@article{shvaiko2007c, AUTHOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Guest editorial preface of the special issue on Ontology matching", JOURNAL = "International journal of semantic web and information systems", PUBLISHER = "IGI publishing", ADDRESS = "Hershey (PA US)", VOLUME = "3", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "i-iii", URL = "https://www.igi-global.com/Files/Ancillary/IJSWIS%20preface%203(2).pdf", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01718870}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{cheatham2017b, AUTHOR = "{Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Pesquita}, {Catia}", TITLE = "Special issue on ontology and linked data matching", JOURNAL = "Semantic web journal", PUBLISHER = "IOS Press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "8", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "183-184", YEAR = "2017", URL = "http://content.iospress.com/articles/semantic-web/sw251", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01661138}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{pauwels2018a, AUTHOR = "{Pauwels}, {Pieter} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {Sicilia}, {Alvaro} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Semantic technologies and interoperability in the built environment", JOURNAL = "Semantic web journal", PUBLISHER = "IOS Press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "731-734", YEAR = "2018", URL = "http://content.iospress.com/articles/semantic-web/sw321", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01951968}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{bloch2022b, AUTHOR = "{Bloch}, {Isabelle} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Lang}, {Jérôme} and {Schwarzentruber}, {François}", TITLE = "Introduction", JOURNAL = "Revue ouverte d'intelligence artificielle", PUBLISHER = "Centre Mersenne pour l'édition scientifique ouverte", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", VOLUME = "3", NUMBER = "3-4", PAGES = "193-199", YEAR = "2022", URL = "https://roia.centre-mersenne.org/item/10.5802/roia.28fr.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-03905181}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat1993e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Représentation granulaire du temps", JOURNAL = "Revue d'intelligence artificielle", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "7", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "329-361", YEAR = "1993", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1993e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401185}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat1999c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "La représentation de connaissance est-elle soluble dans le web ?", JOURNAL = "Document numérique", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "3", NUMBER = "3-4", PAGES = "151-167", YEAR = "1999", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1999c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{sanchez1999a, AUTHOR = "{Sanchez}, {Catherine} and {Lachaize}, {Corinne} and {Janody}, {Florence} and {Bellon}, {Bernard} and {Röder}, {Laurence} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Rechenmann}, {François} and {Jacq}, {Bernard}", TITLE = "Grasping at molecular interactions and genetic networks in Drosophila melanogaster using FlyNets, an Internet database", JOURNAL = "Nucleic acids research", PUBLISHER = "Oxford university press", ADDRESS = "Oxford (UK)", VOLUME = "27", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "89-94", YEAR = "1999", URL = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC148104/pdf/270089.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401106}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{napoli2000a, AUTHOR = "{Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ducournau}, {Roland}", TITLE = "Les représentations de connaissances par objets", JOURNAL = "Techniques et science informatique", PUBLISHER = "Hermès Science publisher", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "19", NUMBER = "1-3", PAGES = "387-394", YEAR = "2000", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/napoli2000a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825896}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{cerbah2001a, AUTHOR = "{Cerbah}, {Farid} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Traceability between models and texts through terminology", JOURNAL = "Data and knowledge engineering", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "38", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "31-43", YEAR = "2001", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/cerbah2001a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822907}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2001g, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Granularity in relational formalisms with application to time and space representation", JOURNAL = "Computational intelligence", PUBLISHER = "Blackwell publisher", ADDRESS = "Malden (MA US)", VOLUME = "17", NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "703-737", YEAR = "2001", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2001g.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822915}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2002b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Eight questions about semantic web annotations", JOURNAL = "IEEE Intelligent systems", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer society", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", VOLUME = "17", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "55-62", YEAR = "2002", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2002b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922308}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2002c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Tardif}, {Laurent}", TITLE = "XML transformation flow processing", JOURNAL = "Markup languages: theory and practice", PUBLISHER = "The MIT press", ADDRESS = "Cambridge (MA US)", VOLUME = "3", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "285-311", YEAR = "2002", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2002c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922309}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2003f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Baget}, {Jean-François}", TITLE = "XML et les objets (Objectif XML)", JOURNAL = "RSTI - L'objet", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "11-37", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003f.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00099728}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{baget2004c, AUTHOR = "{Baget}, {Jean-François} and {Canaud}, {Étienne} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Saïd-Hacid}, {Mohand}", TITLE = "Les langages du web sémantique", VOLUME = "HS2004", JOURNAL = "Information-Interaction-Intelligence", PUBLISHER = "Cepadues", ADDRESS = "Toulouse", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/baget2004c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906635}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{napoli2004a, AUTHOR = "{Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Carré}, {Bernard} and {Ducournau}, {Roland} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Rechenmann}, {François}", TITLE = "Objet et représentation, un couple en devenir", JOURNAL = "RSTI - L'objet", PUBLISHER = "Hermès Science publisher", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "10", NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "61-81", YEAR = "2004", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822532}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{shvaiko2005a, AUTHOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A survey of schema-based matching approaches", JOURNAL = "Journal on data semantics", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heildelberg (DE)", VOLUME = "4", PAGES = "146-171", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/shvaiko2005a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922287}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2008c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Pierson}, {Jérôme} and {Ramparany}, {Fano}", TITLE = "Dynamic context management for pervasive applications", JOURNAL = "Knowledge engineering review", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge university press", ADDRESS = "Cambridge (UK)", VOLUME = "23", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "21-49", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2008c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793541}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2008g, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Polleres}, {Axel}", TITLE = "SPARQL Extensions for processing alignments", JOURNAL = "IEEE Intelligent systems", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer society", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", VOLUME = "23", NUMBER = "6", YEAR = "2008", PAGES = "82-84", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2008g.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793520}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{alkhateeb2009a, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Baget}, {Jean-François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Extending SPARQL with regular expression patterns (for querying RDF)", JOURNAL = "Journal of web semantics", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/alkhateeb2009a.pdf", VOLUME = "7", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "57-73", YEAR = "2009", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {lirmm-00410132}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{david2011a, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "The Alignment API 4.0", JOURNAL = "Semantic web journal", PUBLISHER = "IOS Press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "2", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "3-10", YEAR = "2011", URL = "http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/new-submission-alignment-api-40", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00781018}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2011b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative: six years of experience", JOURNAL = "Journal on data semantics", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", VOLUME = "XV", NUMBER = "6720", PAGES = "158-192", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2011b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00781141}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{laborie2011a, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Semantic adaptation of multimedia documents", JOURNAL = "Multimedia tools and applications", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", VOLUME = "55", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "379-398", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2011a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00781024}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2013a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Roşoiu}, {Maria} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Ontology matching benchmarks: generation, stability, and discriminability", JOURNAL = "Journal of web semantics", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "21", PAGES = "30-48", YEAR = "2013", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2013a.pdf", URL = "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7974975", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00917906}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{shvaiko2013a, AUTHOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Ontology matching: state of the art and future challenges", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer society", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", VOLUME = "25", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "158-176", YEAR = "2013", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/shvaiko2013a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00917910}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{alkhateeb2014a, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Constrained regular expressions for answering RDF-path queries modulo RDFS", JOURNAL = "International Journal of Web Information Systems", PUBLISHER = "Emerald", ADDRESS = "Bingley (UK)", VOLUME = "10", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "24-50", YEAR = "2014", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00975283}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{locoro2014a, AUTHOR = "{Locoro}, {Angela} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Context-based matching: design of a flexible framework and experiment", JOURNAL = "Journal on data semantics", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heildelberg (DE)", VOLUME = "3", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "25-46", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/locoro2014a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00975284}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2015a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Revision in networks of ontologies", JOURNAL = "Artificial intelligence", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "228", PAGES = "195-216", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2015a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01188763}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{wudagechekol2018a, AUTHOR = "{Chekol}, {Melisachew Wudage} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "SPARQL Query containment under schema", JOURNAL = "Journal on data semantics", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", VOLUME = "7", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "133-154", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/wudagechekol2018a.pdf", YEAR = "2018", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01767887}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{atencia2019z, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Vizzini}, {Jérémy}", TITLE = "Link key candidate extraction with relational concept analysis", JOURNAL = "Discrete applied mathematics", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "273", PAGES = "2-20", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/atencia2019z.pdf", YEAR = "2020", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02196757}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{silva2020a, AUTHOR = "{da Silva}, {Jomar} and {Revoredo}, {Kate} and {Araujo Baião}, {Fernanda} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Alin: improving interactive ontology matching by interactively revising mapping suggestions", JOURNAL = "Knowledge engineering review", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge university press", ADDRESS = "Cambridge (UK)", VOLUME = "35", PAGES = "e1", YEAR = "2020", URL = "https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/knowledge-engineering-review/article/alin-improving-interactive-ontology-matching-by-interactively-revising-mapping-suggestions/CD303E6A44244304705A9E3ACBBF91AE", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02984949}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2020a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A map without a legend: the semantic web and knowledge evolution", JOURNAL = "Semantic web journal", PUBLISHER = "IOS Press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "11", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "63-68", URL = "http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/map-without-legend-semantic-web-and-knowledge-evolution-0", YEAR = "2020", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02984945}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{inants2020a, AUTHOR = "{Inants}, {Armen} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "So, what exactly is a qualitative calculus?", JOURNAL = "Artificial intelligence", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "289", PAGES = "103385", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/inants2020a.pdf", YEAR = "2020", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02942947}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{atencia2021a, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "On the relation between keys and link keys for data interlinking", JOURNAL = "Semantic web journal", PUBLISHER = "IOS Press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "12", NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "547-567", URL = "https://content.iospress.com/articles/semantic-web/sw200414", YEAR = "2021", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-03426150}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{vandenberg2021a, AUTHOR = "{van den Berg}, {Line} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A logical model for the ontology alignment repair game", JOURNAL = "Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", VOLUME = "35", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "32", YEAR = "2021", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/vandenberg2021a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-03426142}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{vandenberg2023a, AUTHOR = "{van den Berg}, {Line} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Raising awareness without disclosing truth", JOURNAL = "Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", VOLUME = "91", NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "431-464", YEAR = "2023", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/vandenberg2022a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-04351134}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{vandenberg2024a, AUTHOR = "{van den Berg}, {Line} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Class? en classe: jouer avec des classifications pour combiner mathématiques et informatique", JOURNAL = "Recherches et recherches-actions en didactique de l'informatique", VOLUME = "1", NUMBER = "1", YEAR = "2024", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/vandenberg2024a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-04621556}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @book{euzenat2007b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel}", TITLE = "Ontology matching", PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", PAGETOTAL = "333", URL = "http://book.ontologymatching.org/1sted/", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00817824}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @book{euzenat2013c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel}", TITLE = "Ontology matching", EDITION = "2$^{nd}$ ", PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", PAGETOTAL = "520", URL = "http://book.ontologymatching.org", YEAR = "2013", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00918122}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat1995a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Building consensual knowledge bases: context and architecture", BOOKTITLE = "Towards very large knowledge bases", EDITOR = "{Mars}, {Nicolaas}", PUBLISHER = "IOS press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", PAGES = "143-155", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1995a.pdf", YEAR = "1995", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401176}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{valtchev1996a, AUTHOR = "{Valtchev}, {Petko} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Classification of concepts through products of concepts and abstract data types", BOOKTITLE = "Ordinal and symbolic data analysis", EDITOR = "{Diday}, {Edwin} and {Lechevalier}, {Yves} and {Opitz}, {Otto}", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", PAGES = "3-12", YEAR = "1996", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/valtchev1996a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401162}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat1998b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Représentation de connaissance par objets", BOOKTITLE = "Langages et modèles à objets: état des recherches et perspectives", EDITOR = "{Ducournau}, {Roland} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Masini}, {Gérald} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo}", PUBLISHER = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Rocquencourt (FR)", PAGES = "293-319", CHAPTER = "10", YEAR = "1998", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1998b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {inria-00340768}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2001a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Construction collaborative de bases de connaissance et de documents pour la capitalisation", BOOKTITLE = "Ingénierie et capitalisation des connaissances", EDITOR = "{Zacklad}, {Manuel} and {Grundstein}, {Michel}", PUBLISHER = "Hermès Science publisher", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", PAGES = "25-48", CHAPTER = "2", YEAR = "2001", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2001a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822908}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{deneux2002a, AUTHOR = "{Deneux}, {Dominique} and {Lerch}, {Christophe} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Barthès}, {Jean-Paul}", TITLE = "Pluralité des connaissances dans les systèmes industriels", BOOKTITLE = "Coopération et connaissance dans les systèmes industriels : une approche interdisciplinaire", EDITOR = "{Soënen}, {René} and {Perrin}, {Jacques}", PUBLISHER = "Hermès Science publisher", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", PAGES = "115-129", CHAPTER = "6", YEAR = "2002", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/deneux2002a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922307}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2002d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "An infrastructure for formally ensuring interoperability in a heterogeneous semantic web", BOOKTITLE = "The emerging semantic web", EDITOR = "{Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Decker}, {Stefan} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {McGuinness}, {Deborah}", PUBLISHER = "IOS press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", PAGES = "245-260", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2002d.pdf", YEAR = "2002", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922310}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2003a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", TITLE = "The `family of languages' approach to semantic interoperability", BOOKTITLE = "Knowledge transformation for the semantic web", EDITOR = "{Omelayenko}, {Borys} and {Klein}, {Michel}", PUBLISHER = "IOS press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003a.pdf", PAGES = "49-63", YEAR = "2003", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922317}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2004e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Troncy}, {Raphaël}", TITLE = "Web sémantique et pratiques documentaires", BOOKTITLE = "Publier sur internet", EDITOR = "{Le Moal}, {Jean-Claude} and {Hidoine}, {Bernard} and {Calderan}, {Lisette}", PUBLISHER = "ABDS", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", YEAR = "2004", PAGES = "157-188", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2004e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906637}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2005a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Montanari}, {Angelo}", TITLE = "Time granularity", BOOKTITLE = "Handbook of temporal reasoning in artificial intelligence", EDITOR = "{Fisher}, {Michael} and {Gabbay}, {Dov} and {Vila}, {Lluis}", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", PAGES = "59-118", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2005a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922282}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2005c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "L'annotation formelle de documents en (8) questions", BOOKTITLE = "Ingénierie des connaissances", EDITOR = "{Teulier}, {Régine} and {Charlet}, {Jean} and {Tchounikine}, {Pierre}", PUBLISHER = "L'Harmattan", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", PAGES = "251-271", CHAPTER = "12", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2005c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-822575}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2008a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Mocan}, {Adrian} and {Scharffe}, {François}", TITLE = "Ontology alignments: an ontology management perspective", BOOKTITLE = "Ontology management: semantic web, semantic web services, and business applications", EDITOR = "{Hepp}, {Martin} and {De Leenheer}, {Pieter} and {De Moor}, {Aldo} and {Sure}, {York}", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", PAGES = "177-206", CHAPTER = "6", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2008a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825952}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{laborie2008a, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "An incremental framework for adapting the hypermedia structure of multimedia documents", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization", EDITOR = "{Wallace}, {Manolis} and {Angelides}, {Marios} and {Mylonas}, {Phivos}", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", PAGES = "157-176", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2008a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00825954}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2009a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Mbanefo}, {Onyeari} and {Sharma}, {Arun}", TITLE = "Sharing resources through ontology alignment in a semantic peer-to-peer system", BOOKTITLE = "Cases on semantic interoperability for information systems integration: practice and applications", EDITOR = "{Kalfoglou}, {Yannis}", PUBLISHER = "IGI Global", ADDRESS = "Hershey (PA US)", PAGES = "107-126", CHAPTER = "6", YEAR = "2009", URL = "http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/sharing-resources-through-ontology-alignments/38041", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793449}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{trojahn2011a, AUTHOR = "{Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Tamma}, {Valentina} and {Payne}, {Terry}", TITLE = "Argumentation for reconciling agent ontologies", BOOKTITLE = "Semantic Agent Systems", EDITOR = "{Elçi}, {Atilla} and {Koné}, {Mamadou} and {Orgun}, {Mehmet}", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", PAGES = "89-111", CHAPTER = "5", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/trojahn2011a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00781028}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{alkhateeb2012a, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Querying RDF data", BOOKTITLE = "Graph data management: techniques and applications", EDITOR = "{Sakr}, {Sherif} and {Pardede}, {Eric}", PUBLISHER = "IGI Global", ADDRESS = "Hershey (PA US)", PAGES = "337-356", CHAPTER = "15", YEAR = "2012", URL = "http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/querying-rdf-data/58618", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00768410}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2012a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Le Duc}, {Chan}", TITLE = "Methodological guidelines for matching ontologies", BOOKTITLE = "Ontology engineering in a networked world", EDITOR = "{Suárez Figueroa}, {Maria Del Carmen} and {Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Motta}, {Enrico} and {Gangemi}, {Aldo}", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", PAGES = "257-278", CHAPTER = "12", YEAR = "2012", URL = "http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/book/978-3-642-24793-4", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00768420}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2014a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Rousset}, {Marie-Christine}", TITLE = "Web sémantique", BOOKTITLE = "L'IA: frontières et applications", EDITOR = "{Marquis}, {Pierre} and {Papini}, {Odile} and {Prade}, {Henri}", PUBLISHER = "Cepadues", ADDRESS = "Toulouse (FR)", VOLUME = "3", CHAPTER = "4", YEAR = "2014", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02071058}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2014c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "First experiments in cultural alignment repair (extended version)", BOOKTITLE = "ESWC 2014 satellite events revised selected papers", EDITOR = "{Presutti}, {Valentina} and {Blomqvist}, {Eva} and {Troncy}, {Raphaël} and {Sack}, {Harald} and {Papadakis}, {Ioannis} and {Tordai}, {Anna}", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", PAGES = "115-130", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2014c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180916}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{rosoiu2015a, AUTHOR = "{Roşoiu}, {Maria} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A linked data framework for Android", BOOKTITLE = "The Semantic Web: ESWC 2012 Satellite Events", EDITOR = "{Simperl}, {Elena} and {Norton}, {Barry} and {Mladenic}, {Dunja} and {Della Valle}, {Emanuele} and {Fundulaki}, {Irini} and {Passant}, {Alexandre} and {Troncy}, {Raphaël}", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", CHAPTER = "15", PAGES = "204-218", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/rosoiu2012a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01179146}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{kovalenko2016a, AUTHOR = "{Kovalenko}, {Olga} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Semantic matching of engineering data structures", BOOKTITLE = "Semantic web technologies for intelligent engineering applications", EDITOR = "{Biffl}, {Stefan} and {Sabou}, {Marta}", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", PAGES = "137-157", CHAPTER = "6", YEAR = "2016", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/kovalenko2016a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01416191}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2017c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Knowledge diversity under socio-environmental pressure", BOOKTITLE = "Investigating diversity in AI: the ESSENCE project, 2013-2017", EDITOR = "{Rovatsos}, {Michael}", YEAR = "2017", PAGES = "28-30", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/euzenat2017c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @incollection{euzenat2020b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Rousset}, {Marie-Christine}", TITLE = "Semantic web", BOOKTITLE = "A guided tour of artificial intelligence research", EDITOR = "{Marquis}, {Pierre} and {Papini}, {Odile} and {Prade}, {Henri}", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Berlin (DE)", PAGES = "181-207", VOLUME = "3", CHAPTER = "6", YEAR = "2020", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/euzenat2020b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02984946}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @book{ducournau1998a, EDITOR = "{Ducournau}, {Roland} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Masini}, {Gérald} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo}", TITLE = "Langages et modèles à objets: états des recherches et perspectives", VOLUME = "19", PUBLISHER = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Rocquencourt (FR)", PAGETOTAL = "527", YEAR = "1998", URL = "http://exmo.inrialpes.fr/papers/lmobook/", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00340768}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @book{cruz2002a, EDITOR = "{Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Decker}, {Stefan} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {McGuinness}, {Deborah}", TITLE = "The emerging semantic web", PUBLISHER = "IOS press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", PAGETOTAL = "302", YEAR = "2002", URL = "http://exmo.inria.fr/papers/emerging/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922294}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{euzenat2003g, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo}", TITLE = "XML et les objets. La voie vers le web sémantique?", SERIES = "RSTI - L'objet", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "9(3)", PAGES = "1-122", YEAR = "2003", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-822582}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{euzenat2004a, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Carré}, {Bernard}", TITLE = "Langages et modèles à objets 2004 (actes 10e conférence)", SERIES = "RSTI - L'objet", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "10(2-3)", PAGES = "1-275", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/lmo2004.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822533}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2007b, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Special issue on Ontology matching", SERIES = "International journal of semantic web and information systems", PUBLISHER = "IGI publishing", ADDRESS = "Hershey (PA US)", VOLUME = "3(2)", PAGES = "1-122", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00817828}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{cheatham2017a, EDITOR = "{Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Pesquita}, {Catia}", TITLE = "Special issue on ontology and linked data matching", SERIES = "Semantic web journal", PUBLISHER = "IOS Press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "8(2)", PAGES = "183-251", YEAR = "2017", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01661137}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{sicilia2018a, EDITOR = "{Sicilia}, {Alvaro} and {Pauwels}, {Pieter} and {Madrazo}, {Leandro} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Special Issue on Semantic Technologies and Interoperability in the Build Environment", SERIES = "Semantic web journal", PUBLISHER = "IOS Press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", VOLUME = "9(6)", PAGES = "729-855", YEAR = "2018", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01952857}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{bloch2022a, EDITOR = "{Bloch}, {Isabelle} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Lang}, {Jérôme} and {Schwarzentruber}, {François}", TITLE = "Post-actes de la Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle (CNIA 2018-2020)", SERIES = "Revue ouverte d'intelligence artificielle", PUBLISHER = "Centre Mersenne pour l'édition scientifique ouverte", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", VOLUME = "3(3-4)", PAGES = "193-413", YEAR = "2022", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-03905197}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{cruz2001a, EDITOR = "{Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Decker}, {Stefan} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {McGuinness}, {Deborah}", TITLE = "Proc. Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS), Stanford (CA US)", PAGETOTAL = "597", YEAR = "2001", URL = "http://www.semanticweb.org/SWWS/program/full/SWWSProceedings.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922330}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{euzenat2002f, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Guarino}, {Nicola} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGETOTAL = "597", TITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on Ontologies and semantic interoperability, Lyon (FR)", YEAR = "2002", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-64/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922293}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{euzenat2004k, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Goble}, {Carole} and {Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Koubarakis}, {Manolis} and {De Roure}, {David} and {Wooldridge}, {Mike}", TITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on Semantic intelligent middleware for the web and the grid (SIM), Valencia (ES)", YEAR = "2004", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-111/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822534}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{sure2004a, EDITOR = "{Sure}, {York} and {Corcho}, {Óscar} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hughes}, {Todd}", TITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ISWC2004 workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based tools (EON), Hiroshima (JP)", PAGETOTAL = "97", YEAR = "2004", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-128/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822535}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{ashpole2005a, PAGETOTAL = "105", TITLE = "Proc. K-Cap workshop on integrating ontologies, Banff (CA)", EDITOR = "{Ashpole}, {Benjamin} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-156/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-822574}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{gomez-perez2005a, EDITOR = "{Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ european semantic web conference (ESWC), Hersounissous (Crete GR)", JOURNAL = "Lecture notes in computer science", PUBLISHER = "Springer verlag", ADDRESS = "Berlin (DE)", VOLUME = "3532", PAGETOTAL = "728", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://www.springeronline.com/3-540-26124-9", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-822576}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2005b, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Léger}, {Alain} and {McGuinness}, {Deborah} and {Wache}, {Holger}", PAGETOTAL = "143", TITLE = "Proc. AAAI workshop on Context and ontologies: theory and practice, Pittsburg (PA US)", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://www.c-and-o.net", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-822578}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{euzenat2006d, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Domingue}, {John}", TITLE = "Proc. 12$^{th}$ Artificial intelligence: methodology, systems and applications (AIMSA), Varna (BG)", JOURNAL = "Lecture notes in computer science", PUBLISHER = "Springer verlag", ADDRESS = "Berlin (DE)", VOLUME = "4183", PAGETOTAL = "292", YEAR = "2006", URL = "http://www.springeronline.com/3-540-40930-0", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822569}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2006a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Léger}, {Alain} and {McGuinness}, {Deborah} and {Wache}, {Holger}", PAGETOTAL = "88", TITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on Context and ontologies: theory and practice, Riva del Garda (IT)", YEAR = "2006", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-210/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-822572}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2006b, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Benjamins}, {Richard} and {Uschold}, {Michael}", PAGETOTAL = "245", TITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ ISWC 2006 international workshop on ontology matching (OM), Athens (GA US)", YEAR = "2006", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-225/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-822573}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{bouquet2007a, EDITOR = "{Bouquet}, {Paolo} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ghidini}, {Chiara} and {McGuinness}, {Deborah} and {de Paiva}, {Valeria} and {Serafini}, {Luciano} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Wache}, {Holger}", PAGETOTAL = "77", TITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ Context workshop on Context and ontologies: representation and reasoning (C\&O:RR), Roskilde (DK)", NOTE = "Also Roskilde University report RU/CS/RR 115", YEAR = "2007", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-298/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817823}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{euzenat2007c, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Petit}, {Jean-Marc} and {Rousset}, {Marie-Christine}", TITLE = "Actes atelier EGC 2007 sur Passage à l'échelle des techniques de découverte de correspondances (DECOR), Namur (BE)", PAGETOTAL = "83", YEAR = "2007", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/EGC2007-decor-ws.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817825}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2007d, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {He}, {Bin}", PAGETOTAL = "308", TITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ ISWC 2007 international workshop on ontology matching (OM), Busan (KR)", YEAR = "2007", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-304/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817829}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{bouquet2008a, EDITOR = "{Bouquet}, {Paolo} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ghidini}, {Chiara} and {McGuinness}, {Deborah} and {de Paiva}, {Valeria} and {Qi}, {Gulin} and {Serafini}, {Luciano} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Wache}, {Holger} and {Léger}, {Alain}", PAGETOTAL = "38", TITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ ECAI workshop on Context and ontologies (C\&O), Patras (GR)", YEAR = "2008", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-390/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793493}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{gangemi2008a, EDITOR = "{Gangemi}, {Aldo} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Proc. 16$^{th}$ International conference on knowledge engineering and knowledge management (EKAW), Acitrezza (Sicilia IT)", JOURNAL = "Lecture notes in artificial intelligence", PUBLISHER = "Springer verlag", ADDRESS = "Berlin (DE)", VOLUME = "5268", PAGETOTAL = "418", YEAR = "2008", URL = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-540-87695-3/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793495}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2008b, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGETOTAL = "258", TITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ISWC international workshop on ontology matching (OM), Karlsruhe (DE)", YEAR = "2008", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-431/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793496}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2009a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Rosenthal}, {Arnon}", TITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Chantilly (VA US)", YEAR = "2009", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-551/", PAGETOTAL = "271", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793444}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2010a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Cruz}, {Isabel}", TITLE = "Proc. 5$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Shanghai (CN)", YEAR = "2010", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-689/", PAGETOTAL = "255", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793318}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2011a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Heath}, {Tom} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Quix}, {Christoph}", TITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Bonn (DE)", YEAR = "2011", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-814/", PAGETOTAL = "264", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00781043}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{cudremauroux2012a, EDITOR = "{Cudré-Mauroux}, {Philippe} and {Heflin}, {Jeff} and {Sirin}, {Evren} and {Tudorache}, {Tania} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hauswirth}, {Manfred} and {Xavier Parreira}, {Josiane} and {Hendler}, {James} and {Schreiber}, {Guus} and {Bernstein}, {Abraham} and {Blomqvist}, {Eva}", JOURNAL = "Lecture notes in computer science", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", TITLE = "Proc. 11$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Boston (MA US)", VOLUME = "7649", PAGETOTAL = "675", YEAR = "2012", URL = "http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/book/978-3-642-35175-4", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768414}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{cudremauroux2012b, EDITOR = "{Cudré-Mauroux}, {Philippe} and {Heflin}, {Jeff} and {Sirin}, {Evren} and {Tudorache}, {Tania} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hauswirth}, {Manfred} and {Xavier Parreira}, {Josiane} and {Hendler}, {James} and {Schreiber}, {Guus} and {Bernstein}, {Abraham} and {Blomqvist}, {Eva}", JOURNAL = "Lecture notes in computer science", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "Heidelberg (DE)", TITLE = "Proc. 11$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Boston (MA US)", VOLUME = "7650", PAGETOTAL = "465", YEAR = "2012", URL = "http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/book/978-3-642-35172-3", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768415}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2012a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Kementsietsidis}, {Anastasios} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", TITLE = "Proc. 7$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Boston (MA US)", YEAR = "2012", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-946/", PAGETOTAL = "253", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768518}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2013b, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Srinivas}, {Kavitha} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto}", TITLE = "Proc. 8$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Sydney (NSW AU)", YEAR = "2013", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1111/", PAGETOTAL = "249", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00918492}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2014a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Li}, {Juanzi} and {Ngonga Ngomo}, {Axel-Cyrille}", TITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Riva del Garda (IT)", YEAR = "2014", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1317/", PAGETOTAL = "187", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01180933}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2016a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie}", TITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Bethlehem (PA US)", YEAR = "2016", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1545/", PAGETOTAL = "239", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01254905}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2016b, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Ichise}, {Ryutaro}", TITLE = "Proc. 11$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Kobe (JP)", YEAR = "2016", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1766/", PAGETOTAL = "252", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01421835}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2017a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie}", TITLE = "Proc. 12$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Wien (AT)", YEAR = "2017", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2032/", PAGETOTAL = "225", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01674668}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{adrian2018a, EDITOR = "{Adrian}, {Kemo} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Gromann}, {Dagmar}", TITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ JOWO workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS), Bozen-Bolzano (IT)", YEAR = "2018", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2050/", PAGETOTAL = "42", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01951964}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{euzenat2018b, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Schwarzentruber}, {François}", TITLE = "Actes Conférence Nationale AFIA sur d'Intelligence Artificielle et Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (CNIA+RJCIA), Nancy (FR)", YEAR = "2018", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2133/", PAGETOTAL = "133", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01838695}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2018a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie}", TITLE = "Proc. 13$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Monterey (CA US)", YEAR = "2018", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2288/", PAGETOTAL = "227", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01964687}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{adrian2019a, EDITOR = "{Adrian}, {Kemo} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Gromann}, {Dagmar} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Schorlemmer}, {Marco} and {Tamma}, {Valentina}", TITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ JOWO workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS), Graz (AT)", YEAR = "2019", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2518/", PAGETOTAL = "48", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-02414685}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2019a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Proc. 14$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Auckland (NZ)", YEAR = "2020", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2536/", PAGETOTAL = "210", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-02984947}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2020a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Proc. 15$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Athens (GR)", YEAR = "2020", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2788/", PAGETOTAL = "253", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03112717}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2021a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Proc. 16$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), (online)", YEAR = "2021", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3063/", PAGETOTAL = "218", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03538461}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2022a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Proc. 17$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), (online)", YEAR = "2022", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3024/", PAGETOTAL = "230", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03939885}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @proceedings{shvaiko2023a, EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Proc. 18$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Athens (GR)", YEAR = "2023", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3591/", PAGETOTAL = "202", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-04351128}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1987b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Rechenmann}, {François}", TITLE = "Maintenance de la vérité dans les systèmes à base de connaissance centrée-objet", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 6$^{e}$ congrès AFCET-INRIA sur Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Antibes (FR)", YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "1095-1109", PUBLISHER = "Dunod", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1987b.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401198}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1989a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Étendre le TMS (vers les contextes)", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 7$^{e}$ congrès AFCET-INRIA sur Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Paris (FR)", PAGES = "581-586", YEAR = "1989", PUBLISHER = "Dunod", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1989a.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401197}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{buisson1991a, AUTHOR = "{Buisson}, {Laurent} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A quantitative analysis of reasoning for RMSes", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ International Symposium poster session on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS), Charlotte (NC US)", PAGES = "9-20", YEAR = "1991", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/buisson1991a.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401195}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1991a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Maesano}, {Libero}", TITLE = "An architecture for selective forgetting", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 8$^{th}$ SSAISB conference on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior (AISB), Leeds (UK)", YEAR = "1991", PAGES = "117-128", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ADDRESS = "London (UK)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1991a.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401194}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1991c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Contexts for nonmonotonic RMSes", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 12$^{th}$ International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Sydney (AU)", PAGES = "300-305", YEAR = "1991", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kauffman", ADDRESS = "San-Mateo (CA US)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1991c.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401192}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1991b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "SaMaRis: visualiser et manipuler interactivement le raisonnement", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 3$^{e}$ convention sur intelligence artificielle (CIA), Paris (FR)", PAGES = "219-238", YEAR = "1991", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1991c.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1991d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Buisson}, {Laurent}", TITLE = "SaMaRis: un environnement pour l'expérimentation et l'étude du maintien des raisonnements", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 8$^{e}$ congrès AFCET-INRIA-ARC-AFIA sur Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Villeurbanne (FR)", YEAR = "1991", PAGES = "1233-1247", PUBLISHER = "AFCET", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1991d.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401191}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{buisson1992a, AUTHOR = "{Buisson}, {Laurent} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "The ELSA avalanche path analysis system: an experiment with reason maintenance and object-based representations (extended abstract)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on Applications of Reason Maintenance Systems, Wien (OS)", YEAR = "1992", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/buisson1992a.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401190}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1992a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Le}, {Michel} and {Mazeran}, {Éric} and {Weinberg}, {Michel}", TITLE = "Generic embedding of an uncertain calculus in objects and rules", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ Singapoore International Conference on Intelligent Systems (SPICE), Singapore (SG)", YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "177-182", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1992a.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401189}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1993b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A purely taxonomic and descriptive meaning for classes", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. IJCAI workshop on object-based representation systems, Chambéry (FR)", YEAR = "1993", EDITOR = "{Napoli}, {Amedeo}", PAGES = "81-92", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1993b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401187}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1993a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Définition abstraite de la classification et son application aux taxonomies d'objets", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 2$^{e}$ journées EC2 sur représentations par objets (RPO), La Grande-Motte (FR)", YEAR = "1993", PAGES = "235-246", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1993a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401188}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1993c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Brief overview of T-tree: the Tropes Taxonomy building Tool", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ ASIS SIG/CR workshop on classification research, Columbus (OH US)", PAGES = "69-87", YEAR = "1994", URL = "http://journals.lib.washington.edu/index.php/acro/article/view/12612/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401186}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1994c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "KR and OOL co-operation based on semantics non reducibility", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on integrating object-orientation and knowledge representation, Amsterdam (NL)", YEAR = "1994", PAGETOTAL = "6", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1994c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401183}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1994a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Classification dans les représentations par objets: produits de systèmes classificatoires", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 9$^{e}$ congrès AFCET-AFIA-ARC-INRIA sur Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Paris (FR)", YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "185-196", PUBLISHER = "AFCET", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1994a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401184}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{capponi1995a, AUTHOR = "{Capponi}, {Cécile} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Gensel}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Objects, types and constraints as classification schemes (abstract)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ international symposium on Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency (KRUSE), Santa-Cruz (CA US)", YEAR = "1995", PAGES = "69-73", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/capponi1995a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401172}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{carre1995a, AUTHOR = "{Carré}, {Bernard} and {Ducournau}, {Roland} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Rechenmann}, {François}", TITLE = "Classification et objets: programmation ou représentation?", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 5$^{e}$ journées nationales PRC-GDR intelligence artificielle , Nancy (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/carre1995a.pdf", YEAR = "1995", PAGES = "213-237", PUBLISHER = "Teknea", ADDRESS = "Toulouse (FR)", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401179}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1995c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "An algebraic approach to granularity in time representation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ IEEE international workshop on temporal representation and reasoning (TIME), Melbourne (FL US)", PAGES = "147-154", YEAR = "1995", PUBLISHER = "University of Regina", ADDRESS = "Regina (CA)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1995c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401175}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1995d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A categorical approach to time representation: first study on qualitative aspects", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. IJCAI workshop on spatial and temporal reasoning, Montréal (CA)", YEAR = "1995", PAGES = "145-152", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1995d.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401171}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1995e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "An algebraic approach for granularity in qualitative time and space representation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 14$^{th}$ International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Montréal (CA)", YEAR = "1995", PAGES = "894-900", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kauffman", ADDRESS = "San-Mateo (CA US)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1995e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401170}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1995f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Rechenmann}, {François}", TITLE = "Shirka, 10 ans, c'est Tropes ?", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 2$^{e}$ journées sur langages et modèles à objets (LMO), Nancy (FR)", PAGES = "13-34", YEAR = "1995", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1995f.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401174}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1995b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Acquérir pour représenter (et raisonner) ou représenter pour acquérir?", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 6$^{e}$ journées sur acquisition de connaissances (JAC), Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1995", PAGES = "283-285", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1995b.pdf", PUBLISHER = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Rocquencourt (FR)", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401177}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{valtchev1995a, AUTHOR = "{Valtchev}, {Petko} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Classification of concepts through products of concepts and abstract data types (abstract)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ international conference on data analysis and ordered structures, Paris (FR)", YEAR = "1995", PAGES = "131-134", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/valtchev1995a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401173}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{crampe1996a, AUTHOR = "{Crampé}, {Isabelle} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Révision interactive dans une base de connaissance à objets", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 10$^{e}$ congrès AFCET-AFIA-ARC-INRIA sur Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Rennes (FR)", YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "615-623", PUBLISHER = "AFCET", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/crampe1996a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401169}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{crampe1996c, AUTHOR = "{Crampé}, {Isabelle} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Fondements de la révision dans un langage d'objets simple", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 3$^{e}$ journées sur langages et modèles à objets (LMO), Leysin (CH)", PAGES = "134-149", YEAR = "1996", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/crampe1996c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401168}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1996a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Knowledge bases as Web page backbones", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. WWW workshop on artificial intelligence-based tools to help W3 users, Paris (FR)", YEAR = "1996", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1996a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401167}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1996b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Corporate memory through cooperative creation of knowledge bases and hyper-documents", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ workshop on knowledge acquisition (KAW), Banff (CA)", YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "(36)1-18", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1996b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401163}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1996c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "HyTropes: a WWW front-end to an object knowledge management system", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ demonstration track on knowledge acquisition workshop (KAW), Banff (CA)", YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "(62)1-12", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1996c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401160}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bessiere1997a, AUTHOR = "{Bessière}, {Christian} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jeansoulin}, {Robert} and {Ligozat}, {Gérard} and {Schwer}, {Sylviane}", TITLE = "Raisonnement spatial et temporel", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 6$^{e}$ journées nationales PRC-GDR intelligence artificielle , Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "77-88", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/bessiere1997a.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401180}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1997b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Chemla}, {Christophe} and {Jacq}, {Bernard}", TITLE = "A knowledge base for D. melanogaster gene interactions involved in pattern formation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 5$^{th}$ international conference on intelligent systems for molecular biology (ISMB), Halkidiki (GR)", YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "108-119", PUBLISHER = "AAAI press", ADDRESS = "Menlo Park (CA US)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1997b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401164}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1997c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Influence des classes intermédiaires dans les tests de classification", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 4$^{e}$ poster session sur langages et modèles à objets (LMO), Roscoff (FR)", YEAR = "1997", PAGETOTAL = "5", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1997c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401157}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{napoli1997a, AUTHOR = "{Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Crampé}, {Isabelle} and {Ducournau}, {Roland} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Leclère}, {Michel} and {Vismara}, {Philippe}", TITLE = "Aspects actuels des représentations de connaissances par objets et de la classification", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 6$^{e}$ journées nationales PRC-GDR intelligence artificielle , Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "289-314", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/napoli1997a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401182}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{valtchev1997c, AUTHOR = "{Valtchev}, {Petko} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Dissimilarity measure for collections of objects and values", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ international symposium on intelligent data analysis (IDA), London (UK)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "1280", EDITOR = "{Liu}, {Xiaohui} and {Cohen}, {Paul} and {Berthold}, {Michael}", YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "259-272", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/valtchev1997c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401155}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{crampe1998a, AUTHOR = "{Crampé}, {Isabelle} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Object knowledge base revision", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 13$^{th}$ european conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI), Brighton (UK)", PAGES = "3-7", YEAR = "1998", PUBLISHER = "John Wiley and son", ADDRESS = "Chichester (UK)", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/crampe1998a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401156}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1998a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Algèbres d'intervalles sur des domaines temporels arborescents", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 11$^{e}$ congrès AFCET-AFIA sur Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA), Clermont-Ferrand (FR)", VOLUME = "III", PAGES = "385-394", YEAR = "1998", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1998a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401153}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat1999b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", EDITOR = "{Hassoun}, {Mohamed} and {Larouk}, {Omar} and {Metzger}, {Jean-Paul}", TITLE = "Des arbres qui cachent des forêts : remarques sur l'organisation hiérarchique de la connaissance", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 2$^{e}$ poster session chapitre français de l'ISKO , Lyon (FR)", YEAR = "1999", PAGES = "213-215", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/euzenat1999b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401150}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{valtchev1999c, AUTHOR = "{Valtchev}, {Petko} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Une stratégie de construction de taxonomies dans les objets", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 7$^{e}$ rencontres société française de classification (SFC), Nancy (FR)", PAGES = "307-314", YEAR = "1999", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/publications/valtchev1999c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01401105}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bouge2000a, AUTHOR = "{Bougé}, {Patrick} and {Deneux}, {Dominique} and {Lerch}, {Christophe} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Barthès}, {Jean-Paul} and {Tollenaere}, {Michel}", EDITOR = "{Perrin}, {Jacques} and {Soënen}, {René}", TITLE = "Localisation des connaissances dans les systèmes de production: approches multiples pour différents types de connaissance", BOOKTITLE = "Actes journées Prosper sur Gestion de connaissances, coopération, méthodologie de recherches interdisciplinaires, Toulouse (FR)", YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "31-50", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/bouge2000a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{cerbah2000a, AUTHOR = "{Cerbah}, {Farid} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Using terminology extraction techniques for improving traceability from formal models to textual requirements", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 5$^{th}$ international conference on applications of natural language to information systems (NLDB), Versailles (FR)", YEAR = "2000", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "1959", EDITOR = "{Bouzeghoub}, {Mokrane} and {Kedad}, {Zoubida} and {Métais}, {Élisabeth}", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/cerbah2000a.pdf", PAGES = "115-126", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906228}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{cerbah2000b, AUTHOR = "{Cerbah}, {Farid} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Integrating textual knowledge and formal knowledge for improving traceability", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on Knowledge Management and Organizational Memory, Berlin (DE)", YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "10-16", URL = "http://www-sop.inria.fr/acacia/WORKSHOPS/ECAI2000-OM/Papers/ecai2000-cerbah.ps", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01373659}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{cerbah2000c, AUTHOR = "{Cerbah}, {Farid} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Integrating textual knowledge and formal knowledge for improving traceability", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 12$^{th}$ international conference on knowledge engineering and knowledge management (EKAW), Juan-les-Pins (FR)", YEAR = "2000", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "1937", EDITOR = "{Dieng}, {Rose} and {Corby}, {Olivier}", PAGES = "296-303", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/cerbah2000c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922299}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2000a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "XML est-il le langage de représentation de connaissance de l'an 2000?", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 6$^{e}$ journées sur langages et modèles à objets (LMO), Mont Saint-Hilaire (CA)", YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "59-74", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2000a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906231}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2000c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", EDITOR = "{Kopp}, {Paul}", TITLE = "Problèmes d'intelligibilité et solutions autour de XML", BOOKTITLE = "Actes séminaire CNES sur Valorisation des données, Labège (FR)", YEAR = "2000", INSTITUTION = "CNES", ADDRESS = "Toulouse (FR)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2000c.pdf", PAGETOTAL = "30", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906232}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2000d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Towards formal knowledge intelligibility at the semiotic level", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on applied semiotics: control problems, Berlin (DE)", PAGES = "59-61", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2000d.pdf", YEAR = "2000", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922300}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2001b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Towards a principled approach to semantic interoperability", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. IJCAI workshop on ontology and information sharing, Seattle (WA US)", EDITOR = "{Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Gruninger}, {Michael} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Uschold}, {Michael}", PAGES = "19-25", YEAR = "2001", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-47/euzenat.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822909}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2001c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "L'annotation formelle de documents en huit (8) questions", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 6$^{e}$ journées sur ingénierie des connaissances (IC), Grenoble (FR)", EDITOR = "{Charlet}, {Jean}", PUBLISHER = "Presses universitaires de Grenoble", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2001", PAGES = "95-110", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2001c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822910}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2001d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Tardif}, {Laurent}", TITLE = "XML transformation flow processing", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ conference on extreme markup languages, Montréal (CA)", PAGES = "61-72", YEAR = "2001", URL = "https://moex.gitlabpages.inria.fr/transmorpher/wpaper/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822911}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2001e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Preserving modularity in XML encoding of description logics", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 14$^{th}$ workshop on description logics (DL), Stanford (CA US)", EDITOR = "{McGuinness}, {Deborah} and {Patel-Schneider}, {Peter} and {Goble}, {Carole} and {Möller}, {Ralph}", PAGES = "20-29", YEAR = "2001", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-49/Euzenat-20start.ps", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822912}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2001f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "An infrastructure for formally ensuring interoperability in a heterogeneous semantic web", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ semantic web working symposium (SWWS), Stanford (CA US)", PAGES = "345-360", YEAR = "2001", URL = "http://www.semanticweb.org/SWWS/program/full/paper16a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822913}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{stuckenschmidt2001a, AUTHOR = "{Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Ontology Language Integration: A Constructive Approach", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. KI workshop on Applications of Description Logics, Wien (AT)", YEAR = "2001", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-44/StuckenschmidtEuzenat.ps.gz", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822916}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{alhulou2002a, AUTHOR = "{Al-Hulou}, {Rim} and {Corby}, {Olivier} and {Dieng-Kuntz}, {Rose} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Medina Ramirez}, {Carolina} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Troncy}, {Raphaël}", TITLE = "Three knowledge representation formalisms for content-based representation of documents", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. KR workshop on Formal ontology, knowledge representation and intelligent systems for the world wide web (SemWeb), Toulouse (FR)", YEAR = "2002", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/alhulou2002.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00107628}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2002e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", TITLE = "The `family of languages' approach to semantic interoperability", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ECAI workshop on Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web, Lyon (FR)", EDITOR = "{Omelayenko}, {Borys} and {Klein}, {Michel}", PAGES = "92-99", YEAR = "2002", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2002e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01373660}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2003b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil} and {Dias}, {Victor}", TITLE = "A semantic framework for multimedia document adaptation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 18$^{th}$ International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Acapulco (MX)", YEAR = "2003", URL = "http://ijcai.org/Past%20Proceedings/IJCAI-2003/PDF/005.pdf", PAGES = "31-36", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kauffman", ADDRESS = "San-Mateo (CA US)", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {inria-00423411}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2003c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "De la sémantique formelle à une approche computationelle de l'interprétation", BOOKTITLE = "Actes journées AS 'Web sémantique' CNRS sur Web sémantique et sciences de l'homme et de la société, Ivry-sur-Seine (FR)", YEAR = "2003", URL = "http://exmo.inria.fr/cooperation/asws/wsshs.html", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906619}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2003h, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Valtchev}, {Petko}", TITLE = "An integrative proximity measure for ontology alignment", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ISWC workshop on semantic information integration, Sanibel Island (FL US)", PAGES = "33-38", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003h.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922318}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2003i, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Towards composing and benchmarking ontology alignments", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ISWC workshop on semantic information integration, Sanibel Island (FL US)", YEAR = "2003", PAGES = "165-166", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003i.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906607}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2004b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Chouette un langage d'ontologies pour le web!", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 6$^{e}$ journées sur ingénierie des connaissances (IC), Lyon (FR)", YEAR = "2004", PUBLISHER = "PUG", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2004b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2004c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Valtchev}, {Petko}", TITLE = "Similarity-based ontology alignment in OWL-Lite", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 16$^{th}$ european conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI), Valencia (ES)", EDITOR = "{López de Mantaras}, {Ramon} and {Saitta}, {Lorenza}", PUBLISHER = "IOS press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", PAGES = "333-337", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2004c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00918127}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2004d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Loup}, {David} and {Touzani}, {Mohamed} and {Valtchev}, {Petko}", TITLE = "Ontology alignment with OLA", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ISWC2004 workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based tools (EON), Hiroshima (JP)", EDITOR = "{Sure}, {York} and {Corcho}, {Óscar} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hughes}, {Todd}", PAGES = "59-68", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2004d.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00918128}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2004f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "An API for ontology alignment", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "3298", EDITOR = "{van Harmelen}, {Frank} and {McIlraith}, {Sheila} and {Plexousakis}, {Dimitris}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ international semantic web conference (ISWC), Hiroshima (JP)", PAGES = "698-712", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2004f.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825931}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2004h, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Introduction to the EON Ontology alignment contest", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ISWC2004 workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based tools (EON), Hiroshima (JP)", EDITOR = "{Sure}, {York} and {Corcho}, {Óscar} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hughes}, {Todd}", PAGES = "47-50", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2004h.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906639}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2004j, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Fensel}, {Dieter} and {Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Lara}, {Rubén}", TITLE = "Knowledge web: realising the semantic web... all the way to knowledge-enhanced multimedia documents", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. European workshop on Integration of knowledge, semantic and digital media technologies, London (UK)", EDITOR = "{Hobson}, {Paola} and {Izquierdo}, {Ebroul} and {Kompatsiaris}, {Yiannis} and {O'Connor}, {Noel}", PAGES = "343-350", PUBLISHER = "Queen Mary University of London", ADDRESS = "London (UK)", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2004j.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00918140}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{alkhateeb2005a, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Baget}, {Jean-François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Complex path queries for RDF graphs", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ISWC poster session , Galway (IE)", PAGES = "PID-52", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/alkhateeb2005a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922274}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{ehrig2005a, AUTHOR = "{Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Relaxed precision and recall for ontology matching", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. K-Cap workshop on integrating ontology, Banff (CA)", EDITOR = "{Ashpole}, {Benjamin} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGES = "25-32", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-156/paper5.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922279}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{ehrig2005b, AUTHOR = "{Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Generalizing precision and recall for evaluating ontology matching", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ ISWC poster session , Galway (IE)", PAGES = "PID-54", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/ehrig2005b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922280}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2004i, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Evaluating ontology alignment methods", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Dagstuhl seminar on Semantic interoperability and integration, Wadern (DE)", SERIES = "Dagstuhl seminar proceedings", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "04391", EDITOR = "{Kalfoglou}, {Yannis} and {Schorlemmer}, {Marco} and {Sheth}, {Amit} and {Staab}, {Steffen} and {Uschold}, {Michael}", PAGETOTAL = "8 pages", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2005/36/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922281}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2005d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Yatskevich}, {Mikalai}", TITLE = "Introduction to the Ontology Alignment Evaluation 2005", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. K-Cap workshop on integrating ontology, Banff (ALB CA)", EDITOR = "{Ashpole}, {Benjamin} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGES = "61-71", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2005/results/oaei2005.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922283}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2005e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Guégan}, {Philippe} and {Valtchev}, {Petko}", TITLE = "OLA in the OAEI 2005 alignment contest", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. K-Cap workshop on integrating ontology, Banff (CA)", EDITOR = "{Ashpole}, {Benjamin} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGES = "97-102", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-156/paper15.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922284}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2005f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Alignment infrastructure for ontology mediation and other applications", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ ICSOC international workshop on Mediation in semantic web services, Amsterdam (NL)", EDITOR = "{Hepp}, {Martin} and {Polleres}, {Axel} and {van Harmelen}, {Frank} and {Genesereth}, {Michael}", PAGES = "81-95", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-168/MEDIATE2005-paper6.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922285}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2005a, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Adapter temporellement un document SMIL", BOOKTITLE = "Actes atelier plate-forme AFIA 2005 sur Connaissance et document temporel, Nice (FR)", YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "47-58", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2005a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922286}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2006a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Pierson}, {Jérôme} and {Ramparany}, {Fano}", TITLE = "Gestion dynamique de contexte pour l'informatique pervasive", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 15$^{e}$ conférence AFIA-AFRIF sur reconnaissance des formes et intelligence artificielle (RFIA), Tours (FR)", PAGES = "113", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2006a.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825938}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2006b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Pierson}, {Jérôme} and {Ramparany}, {Fano}", TITLE = "A context information manager for pervasive environments", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ ECAI workshop on contexts and ontologies (C\&O), Riva del Garda (IT)", PAGES = "25-29", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2006b.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906642}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2006c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Pierson}, {Jérôme} and {Ramparany}, {Fano}", TITLE = "A context information manager for dynamic environments", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ international conference on pervasive computing poster session , Dublin (EI)", PAGES = "79-83", EDITOR = "{Pfeifer}, {Tom} and {Schmidt}, {Albrecht} and {Woo}, {Woontack} and {Doherty}, {Gavin} and {Vernier}, {Frédéric} and {Delaney}, {Kieran} and {Yerazunis}, {Bill} and {Chalmers}, {Matthew} and {Kiniry}, {Joe}", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2006c.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922319}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2006e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Mochol}, {Malgorzata} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Sváb}, {Ondřej} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech} and {van Hage}, {Willem Robert} and {Yatskevich}, {Mikalai}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2006", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Benjamins}, {Richard} and {Uschold}, {Michael}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ ISWC 2006 international workshop on ontology matching (OM), Athens (GA US)", YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "73-95", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-225/paper7.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906643}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{jung2006a, AUTHOR = "{Jung}, {Jason} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "From Personal Ontologies to Socialized Semantic Space", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ESWC poster session , Budva (ME)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/jung2006a.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00825942}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{jung2006b, AUTHOR = "{Jung}, {Jason} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Measuring semantic centrality based on building consensual ontology on social network", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ ESWS workshop on semantic network analysis (SNA), Budva (ME)", PAGES = "27-39", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/jung2006b.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825943}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2006a, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Adaptation spatiale efficace de documents SMIL", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 15$^{e}$ conférence AFIA-AFRIF sur reconnaissance des formes et intelligence artificielle (RFIA), Tours (FR)", YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "127", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2006a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00023822}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2006c, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "A spatial algebra for multimedia document adaptation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies poster session (SAMT), Athens (GR)", EDITOR = "{Avrithis}, {Yannis} and {Kompatsiaris}, {Yiannis} and {Staab}, {Steffen} and {O'Connor}, {Noel}", YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "7-8", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822571}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2006d, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Adapting the hypermedia structure in a generic multimedia adaptation framework", EDITOR = "{Mylonas}, {Phivos} and {Wallace}, {Manolis} and {Angelides}, {Marios}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP), Athens (GR)", YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "62-67", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00133295}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2006e, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Adaptation sémantique de documents SMIL", BOOKTITLE = "Actes journées de travail interdisciplinaire sur autour des documents structurés, Giens (FR)", YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "1-5", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2006e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825944}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laera2006a, AUTHOR = "{Laera}, {Loredana} and {Tamma}, {Valentina} and {Bench-Capon}, {Trevor} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Agent-based argumentation for ontology alignments", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ ECAI workshop on Computational models of natural argument (CMNA), Riva del Garda (IT)", PAGES = "40-46", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laera2006a.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825945}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laera2006b, AUTHOR = "{Laera}, {Loredana} and {Tamma}, {Valentina} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Bench-Capon}, {Trevor} and {Payne}, {Terry}", TITLE = "Reaching agreement over ontology alignments", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 5$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Athens (GA US)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "4273", EDITOR = "{Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Decker}, {Stefan} and {Allemang}, {Dean} and {Preist}, {Chris} and {Schwabe}, {Daniel} and {Mika}, {Peter} and {Uschold}, {Michael} and {Aroyo}, {Lora}", PAGES = "371-384", YEAR = "2006", URL = "http://iswc2006.semanticweb.org/items/Laera2006oz.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825946}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laera2006c, AUTHOR = "{Laera}, {Loredana} and {Tamma}, {Valentina} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Bench-Capon}, {Trevor} and {Payne}, {Terry}", TITLE = "Arguing over ontology alignments", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ ISWC 2006 international workshop on ontology matching (OM), Athens (GA US)", PAGES = "49-60", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-225/paper5.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906644}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{mochol2006a, AUTHOR = "{Mochol}, {Malgorzata} and {Jentzsch}, {Anja} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Applying an analytic method for matching approach selection", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ ISWC 2006 international workshop on ontology matching (OM), Athens (GA US)", PAGES = "37-48", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-225/paper4.pdf", YEAR = "2006", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825948}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{zimmermann2006a, AUTHOR = "{Zimmermann}, {Antoine} and {Krötzsch}, {Markus} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hitzler}, {Pascal}", TITLE = "Formalizing ontology alignment and its operations with category theory", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ International conference on Formal ontology in information systems (FOIS), Baltimore (ML US)", PAGES = "277-288", YEAR = "2006", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/zimmermann2006a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825949}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{zimmermann2006b, AUTHOR = "{Zimmermann}, {Antoine} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Three semantics for distributed systems and their relations with alignment composition", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 5$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Athens (GA US)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "4273", EDITOR = "{Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Decker}, {Stefan} and {Allemang}, {Dean} and {Preist}, {Chris} and {Schwabe}, {Daniel} and {Mika}, {Peter} and {Uschold}, {Michael} and {Aroyo}, {Lora}", PAGES = "16-29", YEAR = "2006", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/zimmermann2006b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825950}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{djoufak2007a, AUTHOR = "{Djoufak-Kengue}, {Jean-François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Valtchev}, {Petko}", TITLE = "OLA in the OAEI 2007 evaluation contest", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Busan (KR)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {He}, {Bin}", PAGES = "188-195", YEAR = "2007", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-304/paper16.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817805}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2007a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Semantic precision and recall for ontology alignment evaluation", PUBLISHER = "AAAI Press", ADDRESS = "Menlo Park (CA US)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 20$^{th}$ International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Hyderabad (IN)", PAGES = "348-353", URL = "http://ijcai.org/Past%20Proceedings/IJCAI-2007/PDF/IJCAI07-054.pdf", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817806}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2007f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine} and {Freitas}, {Frederico}", EDITOR = "{Cuenca Grau}, {Bernardo} and {Honavar}, {Vasant} and {Schlicht}, {Anne} and {Wolter}, {Frank}", TITLE = "Alignment-based modules for encapsulating ontologies", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ workshop on Modular ontologies (WoMO), Whistler (BC CA)", PAGES = "32-45", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2007f.pdf", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817809}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2007g, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Isaac}, {Antoine} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Sváb}, {Ondřej} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech} and {van Hage}, {Willem Robert} and {Yatskevich}, {Mikalai}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2007", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {He}, {Bin}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ ISWC 2007 international workshop on ontology matching (OM), Busan (KR)", YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "96-132", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-304/paper9.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00822893}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{jung2007a, AUTHOR = "{Jung}, {Jason} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Towards semantic social networks", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ European semantic web conference (ESWC), Innsbruck (AT)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "4273", EDITOR = "{Franconi}, {Enrico} and {Kifer}, {Michael} and {May}, {Wolfgang}", PAGES = "267-280", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/jung2007a.pdf", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817811}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{jung2007b, AUTHOR = "{Jung}, {Jason} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Concept-based query transformation based on semantic centrality in semantic peer-to-peer environment", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ Conference on Asia-Pacific web (APWeb), Huang Shan (CN)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "4505", EDITOR = "{Dong}, {Guozhu} and {Lin}, {Xuemin} and {Wang}, {Wei} and {Yang}, {Yun} and {Xu Yu}, {Jeffrey}", PAGES = "622-629", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/jung2007b.pdf", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817812}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2007a, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Multimedia document summarization based on a semantic adaptation framework", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ international workshop on Semantically aware document processing and indexing (SADPI), Montpellier (FR)", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", PAGES = "87-94", YEAR = "2007", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2007a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {inria-00192895}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laera2007a, AUTHOR = "{Laera}, {Loredana} and {Blacoe}, {Ian} and {Tamma}, {Valentina} and {Payne}, {Terry} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Bench-Capon}, {Trevor}", TITLE = "Argumentation over Ontology Correspondences in MAS", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ International conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Honolulu (HA US)", PAGES = "1285-1292", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laera2007a.pdf", YEAR = "2007", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817813}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{scharffe2007a, AUTHOR = "{Scharffe}, {François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ding}, {Ying} and {Fensel}, {Dieter}", TITLE = "Correspondence patterns for ontology mediation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ISWC poster session , Busan (KR)", YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "89-90", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00817827}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{alkhateeb2008a, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Baget}, {Jean-François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Constrained regular expressions in SPARQL", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. international conference on semantic web and web services (SWWS), Las Vegas (NV US)", EDITOR = "{Arabnia}, {Hamid} and {Solo}, {Ashu}", PAGES = "91-99", YEAR = "2008", PUBLISHER = "CSREA Press", ADDRESS = " (US)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/alkhateeb2008a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793531}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bezerra2008a, AUTHOR = "{Bezerra}, {Camila} and {Freitas}, {Frederico} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine}", TITLE = "ModOnto: A tool for modularizing ontologies", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ workshop on ontologies and their applications (Wonto), Salvador de Bahia (Bahia BR)", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/bezerra2008a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793533}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{caraciolo2008a, AUTHOR = "{Caraciolo}, {Caterina} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hollink}, {Laura} and {Ichise}, {Ryutaro} and {Isaac}, {Antoine} and {Malaisé}, {Véronique} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Pane}, {Juan} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Sváb}, {Ondřej} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2008", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Karlsruhe (DE)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGES = "73-119", YEAR = "2008", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2008/results/oaei2008.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793535}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2008a, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Comparison between ontology distances (preliminary results)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "5318", EDITOR = "{Sheth}, {Amit} and {Staab}, {Steffen} and {Dean}, {Mike} and {Paolucci}, {Massimo} and {Maynard}, {Diana} and {Finin}, {Timothy} and {Thirunarayan}, {Krishnaprasad}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 7$^{th}$ international semantic web conference (ISWC), Karlsruhe (DE)", PAGES = "245-260", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/david2008a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793534}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2008b, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "On fixing semantic alignment evaluation measures", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Karlsruhe (DE)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGES = "25-36", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/david2008b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793536}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{djoufak2008a, AUTHOR = "{Djoufak-Kengue}, {Jean-François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Valtchev}, {Petko}", TITLE = "Alignement d'ontologies dirigé par la structure", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 14$^{e}$ journées nationales sur langages et modèles à objets (LMO), Montréal (CA)", PAGES = "43-57", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/djoufak2008a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825951}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2008b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Quelques pistes pour une distance entre ontologies", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 1$^{er}$ atelier EGC 2008 sur similarité sémantique, Sophia-Antipolis (FR)", EDITOR = "{Aufaure}, {Marie-Aude} and {Boussaid}, {Omar} and {Kuntz}, {Pascale}", PAGES = "51-66", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2008b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793540}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2008d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Polleres}, {Axel}", TITLE = "Processing ontology alignments with SPARQL (Position paper)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. IEEE international workshop on Ontology alignment and visualization (OAaV), Barcelona (ES)", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2008d.pdf", PAGES = "913-917", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793542}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2008e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Algebras of ontology alignment relations", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "5318", EDITOR = "{Sheth}, {Amit} and {Staab}, {Steffen} and {Dean}, {Mike} and {Paolucci}, {Massimo} and {Maynard}, {Diana} and {Finin}, {Timothy} and {Thirunarayan}, {Krishnaprasad}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 7$^{th}$ international semantic web conference (ISWC), Karlsruhe (DE)", PAGES = "387-402", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2008e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793543}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2008c, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Adaptation spatio-temporelle et hypermédia de documents multimédia", BOOKTITLE = "Actes atelier sur représentation et raisonnement sur le temps et l'espace (RTE), Montpellier (FR)", YEAR = "2008", PAGES = "1-13", PUBLISHER = "Hermès", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2008c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00548857}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{scharffe2008a, AUTHOR = "{Scharffe}, {François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Fensel}, {Dieter}", TITLE = "Towards design patterns for ontology alignment", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 24$^{th}$ ACM symposium on applied computing (SAC), Fortaleza (BR)", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/scharffe2008a.pdf", PAGES = "2321-2325", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825955}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{shvaiko2008a, AUTHOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Ten challenges for ontology matching", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "5332", EDITOR = "{Meersman}, {Robert} and {Tari}, {Zahir}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 7$^{th}$ international conference on ontologies, databases, and applications of semantics (ODBASE), Monterey (MX)", PAGES = "1163-1181", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/shvaiko2008a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00825956}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bezerra2009a, AUTHOR = "{Bezerra}, {Camila} and {Freitas}, {Frederico} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine}", TITLE = "An approach for ontology modularization", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Brazil/INRIA colloquium on computation: cooperations, advances and challenges (Colibri), Bento-Conçalves (BR)", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/bezerra2009a.pdf", PAGES = "184-189", YEAR = "2009", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00794915}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{daquin2009a, AUTHOR = "{d'Aquin}, {Mathieu} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Le Duc}, {Chan} and {Lewen}, {Holger}", TITLE = "Sharing and reusing aligned ontologies with cupboard", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. K-Cap poster session , Redondo Beach (CA US)", PAGES = "179-180", YEAR = "2009", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/daquin2009a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793447}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2009c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {Hollink}, {Laura} and {Isaac}, {Antoine} and {Joslyn}, {Cliff} and {Malaisé}, {Véronique} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Nikolov}, {Andriy} and {Pane}, {Juan} and {Sabou}, {Marta} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Spiliopoulos}, {Vassilis} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Vouros}, {George} and {Wang}, {Shenghui}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2009", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Chantilly (VA US)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Rosenthal}, {Arnon}", PAGES = "73-126", YEAR = "2009", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2009/results/oaei2009.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00794918}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{laborie2009a, AUTHOR = "{Laborie}, {Sébastien} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Semantic multimedia document adaptation with functional annotations", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ international workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP2009), San Sebastián (ES)", YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "44-49", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/laborie2009a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00794919}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2010b, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej}", TITLE = "Ontology similarity in the alignment space", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "6496", EDITOR = "{Patel-Schneider}, {Peter} and {Pan}, {Yue} and {Hitzler}, {Pascal} and {Mika}, {Peter} and {Zhang}, {Lei} and {Pan}, {Jeff} and {Horrocks}, {Ian} and {Glimm}, {Birte}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ international semantic web conference (ISWC), Shanghai (CN)", PAGES = "129-144", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/david2010b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793273}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2010c, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Linked data from your pocket: The Android RDFContentProvider", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ demonstration track on international semantic web conference (ISWC), Shanghai (CN)", YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "129-132", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-658/paper492.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793274}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2010a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Cimiano}, {Philipp} and {Domingue}, {John} and {Handschuh}, {Siegfried} and {Werthner}, {Hannes}", TITLE = "Personal infospheres", SERIES = "Dagstuhl seminar proceedings", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "09271", EDITOR = "{Domingue}, {John} and {Fensel}, {Dieter} and {Hendler}, {James} and {Studer}, {Rudi}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Dagstuhl seminar on Semantic web reflections and future directions, Wadern (DE)", PAGES = "12-17", YEAR = "2010", URL = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2010/2533/", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793275}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2010b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Nikolov}, {Andriy} and {Pane}, {Juan} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2010", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 5$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Shanghai (CN)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Cruz}, {Isabel}", PAGES = "85-117", YEAR = "2010", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2010/results/oaei2010.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793276}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2010c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "A web-based evaluation service for ontology matching", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ demonstration track on international semantic web conference (ISWC), Shanghai (CN)", YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "93-96", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-658/paper468.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793277}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{hauswirth2010a, AUTHOR = "{Hauswirth}, {Manfred} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Friel}, {Owen} and {Griffin}, {Keith} and {Hession}, {Pat} and {Jennings}, {Brendan} and {Groza}, {Tudor} and {Handschuh}, {Siegfried} and {Podnar Zarko}, {Ivana} and {Polleres}, {Axel} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine}", TITLE = "Towards consolidated presence", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ International conference on collaborative computing: networking, applications and worksharing (CollaborateCom), Chicago (IL US)", PAGES = "1-10", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/hauswirth2010a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793278}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{lopes2010a, AUTHOR = "{Lopes}, {Nuno} and {Polleres}, {Axel} and {Passant}, {Alexandre} and {Decker}, {Stefan} and {Bischof}, {Stefan} and {Berrueta}, {Diego} and {Campos}, {Antonio} and {Corlosquet}, {Stéphane} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Erling}, {Orri} and {Idehen}, {Kingsley} and {Kopecky}, {Jacek} and {Krennwallner}, {Thomas} and {Palmisano}, {Davide} and {Saarela}, {Janne} and {Zaremba}, {Michal}", TITLE = "RDF and XML: Towards a unified query layer", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. W3C workshop on RDF next steps, Stanford (CA US)", PAGETOTAL = "5", URL = "http://www.w3.org/2009/12/rdf-ws/papers/ws10", YEAR = "2010", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822901}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{pirro2010a, AUTHOR = "{Pirrò}, {Giuseppe} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A semantic similarity framework exploiting multiple parts-of-speech", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "6427", EDITOR = "{Meersman}, {Robert} and {Dillon}, {Tharam} and {Herrero}, {Pilar}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ international conference on ontologies, databases, and applications of semantics (ODBASE), Heraklion (GR)", PAGES = "1118-1125", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/pirro2010a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793282}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{pirro2010b, AUTHOR = "{Pirrò}, {Giuseppe} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A feature and information theoretic framework for semantic similarity and relatedness", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "6496", EDITOR = "{Patel-Schneider}, {Peter} and {Pan}, {Yue} and {Hitzler}, {Pascal} and {Mika}, {Peter} and {Zhang}, {Lei} and {Pan}, {Jeff} and {Horrocks}, {Ian} and {Glimm}, {Birte}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ international semantic web conference (ISWC), Shanghai (CN)", PAGES = "615-630", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/pirro2010b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793283}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{scharffe2010a, AUTHOR = "{Scharffe}, {François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Méthodes et outils pour lier le web des données", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 17$^{e}$ conférence AFIA-AFRIF sur reconnaissance des formes et intelligence artificielle (RFIA), Caen (FR)", YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "678-685", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/scharffe2010a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793284}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{trojahn2010b, AUTHOR = "{Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Consistency-driven argumentation for alignment agreement", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 5$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Shanghai (CN)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Cruz}, {Isabel}", PAGES = "37-48", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/trojahn2010b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00793286}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{trojahn2010c, AUTHOR = "{Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", TITLE = "Automating OAEI Campaigns (First Report)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ ISWC international workshop on evaluation of semantic technologies (iWEST), Shanghai (CN)", EDITOR = "{Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Ciravegna}, {Fabio} and {van Harmelen}, {Frank} and {Heflin}, {Jeff}", YEAR = "2010", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-666/paper13.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793287}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{atencia2011a, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Pirrò}, {Giuseppe} and {Rousset}, {Marie-Christine}", TITLE = "Alignment-based trust for resource finding in semantic P2P networks", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Bonn (DE)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "7031", EDITOR = "{Aroyo}, {Lora} and {Welty}, {Christopher} and {Alani}, {Harith} and {Taylor}, {Jamie} and {Bernstein}, {Abraham} and {Kagal}, {Lalana} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Blomqvist}, {Eva}", PAGES = "51-66", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/atencia2011a.pdf", YEAR = "2011", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00781008}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{wudagechekol2011b, AUTHOR = "{Chekol}, {Melisachew Wudage} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "PSPARQL query containment", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 13$^{th}$ International symposium on database programming languages (DBPL), Seattle (WA US)", YEAR = "2011", URL = "http://www.cs.cornell.edu/conferences/dbpl2011/papers/dbpl11-chekol.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00619342}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2011c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Semantic technologies and ontology matching for interoperability inside and across buildings", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ CIB workshop on eeBuildings data models, Sophia-Antipolis (FR)", PAGES = "22-34", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2011c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00781142}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2011d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {van Hague}, {Willem Robert} and {Hollink}, {Laura} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Nikolov}, {Andriy} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2011", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Bonn (DE)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Heath}, {Tom} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Quix}, {Christoph}", PAGES = "85-110", YEAR = "2011", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2011/results/oaei2011.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00781022}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{rosoiu2011a, AUTHOR = "{Roşoiu}, {Maria} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Ontology matching benchmarks: generation and evaluation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Bonn (DE)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Cruz}, {Isabel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Heath}, {Tom} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Quix}, {Christoph}", PAGES = "73-84", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/rosoiu2011a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00781026}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{scharffe2011b, AUTHOR = "{Scharffe}, {François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Linked data meets ontology matching: enhancing data linking through ontology alignments", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ international conference on Knowledge engineering and ontology development (KEOD), Paris (FR)", YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "279-284", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/scharffe2011b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00781027}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{aguirre2012a, AUTHOR = "{Aguirre}, {José Luis} and {Cuenca Grau}, {Bernardo} and {Eckert}, {Kai} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {van Hage}, {Willem Robert} and {Hollink}, {Laura} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Nikolov}, {Andriy} and {Ritze}, {Dominique} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Zapilko}, {Benjamin}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2012", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Kementsietsidis}, {Anastasios} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 7$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Boston (MA US)", YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "73-115", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2012/results/oaei2012.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768409}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{atencia2012c, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Borgida}, {Alexander} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ghidini}, {Chiara} and {Serafini}, {Luciano}", TITLE = "A formal semantics for weighted ontology mappings", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 11$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Boston (MA US)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "7649", EDITOR = "{Cudré-Mauroux}, {Philippe} and {Heflin}, {Jeff} and {Sirin}, {Evren} and {Tudorache}, {Tania} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hauswirth}, {Manfred} and {Xavier Parreira}, {Josiane} and {Hendler}, {James} and {Schreiber}, {Guus} and {Bernstein}, {Abraham} and {Blomqvist}, {Eva}", PAGES = "17-33", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/atencia2012c.pdf", YEAR = "2012", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768413}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{wudagechekol2012a, AUTHOR = "{Chekol}, {Melisachew Wudage} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "SPARQL query containment under RDFS entailment regime", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 6$^{th}$ International joint conference on automated reasoning (IJCAR), Manchester (UK)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "7364", EDITOR = "{Gramlich}, {Bernhard} and {Miller}, {Dale} and {Sattler}, {Uli}", PAGES = "134-148", YEAR = "2012", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/wudagechekol2012a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00749087}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{wudagechekol2012b, AUTHOR = "{Chekol}, {Melisachew Wudage} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "SPARQL query containment under SHI axioms", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 26$^{th}$ American national conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI), Toronto (ONT CA)", PUBLISHER = "AAAI Press", ADDRESS = "Menlo Park (CA US)", YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "10-16", URL = "http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI12/paper/view/4924", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00749080}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2012a, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Roşoiu}, {Maria}", TITLE = "Linked data from your pocket", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ ESWC workshop on downscaling the semantic web, Hersounissos (GR)", EDITOR = "{Guéret}, {Christophe} and {Schlobach}, {Stefan} and {Pigout}, {Florent}", PAGES = "6-13", YEAR = "2012", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/david2012a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768418}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2012c, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jung}, {Jason}", TITLE = "Experimenting with ontology distances in semantic social networks: methodological remarks", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ IEEE international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics (SMC), Seoul (KR)", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer society", ADDRESS = "Los Alamitos (CA)", PAGES = "2909-2914", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/david2012c.pdf", YEAR = "2012", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768419}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2012b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A modest proposal for data interlinking evaluation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 7$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Boston (MA US)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Kementsietsidis}, {Anastasios} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", PAGES = "234-235", YEAR = "2012", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2012b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00768421}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{scharffe2012a, AUTHOR = "{Scharffe}, {François} and {Atemezing}, {Ghislain} and {Troncy}, {Raphaël} and {Gandon}, {Fabien} and {Villata}, {Serena} and {Bucher}, {Bénédicte} and {Hamdi}, {Fayçal} and {Bihanic}, {Laurent} and {Képéklian}, {Gabriel} and {Cotton}, {Franck} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Fan}, {Zhengjie} and {Vandenbussche}, {Pierre-Yves} and {Vatant}, {Bernard}", TITLE = "Enabling linked data publication with the Datalift platform", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. AAAI workshop on semantic cities, Toronto (ONT CA)", YEAR = "2012", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/scharffe2012a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00768424}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{wudagechekol2013a, AUTHOR = "{Chekol}, {Melisachew Wudage} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Evaluating and benchmarking SPARQL query containment solvers", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 12$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Sydney (NSW AU)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "8219", EDITOR = "{Alani}, {Harith} and {Kagal}, {Lalana} and {Fokoue}, {Achile} and {Groth}, {Paul} and {Biemann}, {Chris} and {Xavier Parreira}, {Josiane} and {Aroyo}, {Lora} and {Noy}, {Natalya} and {Welty}, {Christopher} and {Janowicz}, {Krzysztof}", YEAR = "2013", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/wudagechekol2013a.pdf", URL = "https://sparql-qc-bench.inrialpes.fr/index.html", PAGES = "408-423", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00917911}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{cuencagrau2013a, AUTHOR = "{Cuenca Grau}, {Bernardo} and {Dragisic}, {Zlatan} and {Eckert}, {Kai} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {Granada}, {Roger} and {Ivanova}, {Valentina} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Kempf}, {Andreas Oskar} and {Lambrix}, {Patrick} and {Nikolov}, {Andriy} and {Paulheim}, {Heiko} and {Ritze}, {Dominique} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Zamazal}, {Ondřej}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2013", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Srinivas}, {Kavitha} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 8$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Sydney (NSW AU)", YEAR = "2013", PAGES = "61-100", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2013/results/oaei2013.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00918494}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2013b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Uncertainty in crowdsourcing ontology matching", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 8$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Sydney (NSW AU)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Srinivas}, {Kavitha} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto}", PAGES = "221-222", YEAR = "2013", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2013b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00918495}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{atencia2014b, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Data interlinking through robust linkkey extraction", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 21$^{st}$ european conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI), Praha (CZ)", EDITOR = "{Schaub}, {Torsten} and {Friedrich}, {Gerhard} and {O'Sullivan}, {Barry}", PUBLISHER = "IOS press", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam (NL)", PAGES = "15-20", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/atencia2014b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01179166}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{atencia2014d, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "What can FCA do for database linkkey extraction?", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ECAI workshop on What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence? (FCA4AI), Praha (CZ)", PAGES = "85-92", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1257/paper10.pdf", YEAR = "2014", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01180937}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{dragisic2014a, AUTHOR = "{Dragisic}, {Zlatan} and {Eckert}, {Kai} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Faria}, {Daniel} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {Granada}, {Roger} and {Ivanova}, {Valentina} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Kempf}, {Andreas Oskar} and {Lambrix}, {Patrick} and {Montanelli}, {Stefano} and {Paulheim}, {Heiko} and {Ritze}, {Dominique} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Solimando}, {Alessandro} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Zamazal}, {Ondřej} and {Cuenca Grau}, {Bernardo}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2014", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Mao}, {Ming} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Li}, {Juanzi} and {Ngonga Ngomo}, {Axel-Cyrille}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 9$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Riva del Garda (IT)", YEAR = "2014", PAGES = "61-104", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2014/results/oaei2014.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01180915}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2014b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "First experiments in cultural alignment repair", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ESWC workshop on Debugging ontologies and ontology mappings (WoDOOM), Hersounisos (GR)", PAGES = "3-14", YEAR = "2014", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1162/paper1.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01006344}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{fan2014b, AUTHOR = "{Fan}, {Zhengjie} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Scharffe}, {François}", TITLE = "Learning concise pattern for interlinking with extended version space", EDITOR = "{ l zak}, {Dominik} and {Nguyen}, {Hung Son} and {Reformat}, {Marek} and {Santos}, {Eugene}", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer society", ADDRESS = "Los Alamitos (CA)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 13$^{th}$ IEEE/WIC/ACM international conference on web intelligence (WI), Warsaw (PL)", PAGES = "70-77", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/fan2014b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01180918}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{lesnikova2014a, AUTHOR = "{Lesnikova}, {Tatiana} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", EDITOR = "{Völker}, {Johanna} and {Paulheim}, {Heiko} and {Lehmann}, {Jens} and {Sack}, {Harald} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech}", TITLE = "Interlinking English and Chinese RDF data sets using machine translation", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3$^{rd}$ ESWC workshop on Knowledge discovery and data mining meets linked open data (Know@LOD), Hersounisos (GR)", YEAR = "2014", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1243/paper4.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180919}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{inants2015a, AUTHOR = "{Inants}, {Armen} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "An algebra of qualitative taxonomical relations for ontology alignments", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "9366", EDITOR = "{Arenas}, {Marcelo} and {Corcho}, {Óscar} and {Simperl}, {Elena} and {Strohmaier}, {Markus} and {d'Aquin}, {Mathieu} and {Srinivas}, {Kavitha} and {Groth}, {Paul} and {Dumontier}, {Michel} and {Heflin}, {Jeff} and {Thirunarayan}, {Krishnaprasad} and {Staab}, {Steffen}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 14$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Bethleem (PA US)", PAGES = "253-268", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/inants2015a.pdf", YEAR = "2015", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01188792}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{lesnikova2015b, AUTHOR = "{Lesnikova}, {Tatiana} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", EDITOR = "{Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Vanoirbeek}, {Christine}", TITLE = "Interlinking English and Chinese RDF data using BabelNet", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 15$^{th}$ ACM international symposium on Document engineering (DocEng), Lausanne (CH)", PAGES = "39-42", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/lesnikova2015b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01188837}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{achichi2016a, AUTHOR = "{Achichi}, {Manel} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Dragisic}, {Zlatan} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Faria}, {Daniel} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {Flouris}, {Giorgos} and {Fundulaki}, {Irini} and {Harrow}, {Ian} and {Ivanova}, {Valentina} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Kuss}, {Elena} and {Lambrix}, {Patrick} and {Leopold}, {Henrik} and {Li}, {Huanyu} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Montanelli}, {Stefano} and {Pesquita}, {Catia} and {Saveta}, {Tzanina} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Splendiani}, {Andrea} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Todorov}, {Konstantin} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Zamazal}, {Ondřej}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2016", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Ichise}, {Ryutaro}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 11$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Kobe (JP)", YEAR = "2016", PAGES = "73-129", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2016/results/oaei2016.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01421833}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{cheatham2016a, AUTHOR = "{Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Dragisic}, {Zlatan} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Faria}, {Daniel} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {Flouris}, {Giorgos} and {Fundulaki}, {Irini} and {Granada}, {Roger} and {Ivanova}, {Valentina} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Lambrix}, {Patrick} and {Montanelli}, {Stefano} and {Pesquita}, {Catia} and {Saveta}, {Tzanina} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Solimando}, {Alessandro} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Zamazal}, {Ondřej}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2015", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Bethlehem (PA US)", YEAR = "2016", PAGES = "60-115", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2015/results/oaei2015.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01254907}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2016a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Extraction de clés de liage de données (résumé étendu)", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 16$^{e}$ conférence internationale francophone sur extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC), Reims (FR)", SERIES = "Revue des nouvelles technologies de l'information", VOLUME = "E30", EDITOR = "{Crémilleux}, {Bruno} and {de Runz}, {Cyril}", YEAR = "2016", PAGES = "9-12", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2016a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01382101}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{gmati2016a, AUTHOR = "{Gmati}, {Maroua} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Tableau extensions for reasoning with link keys", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 11$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Kobe (JP)", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Ichise}, {Ryutaro}", PAGES = "37-48", YEAR = "2016", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/gmati2016a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01421834}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{inants2016b, AUTHOR = "{Inants}, {Armen} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Algebraic calculi for weighted ontology alignments", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "9981", EDITOR = "{Groth}, {Paul} and {Simperl}, {Elena} and {Gray}, {Alasdair} and {Sabou}, {Marta} and {Krötzsch}, {Markus} and {Lécué}, {Freddy} and {Flöck}, {Fabian} and {Gil}, {Yolanda}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 15$^{th}$ International semantic web conference (ISWC), Kobe (JP)", PAGES = "360-375", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/inants2016b.pdf", YEAR = "2016", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01382098}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{lesnikova2016a, AUTHOR = "{Lesnikova}, {Tatiana} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", EDITOR = "{Calzolari}, {Nicoletta} and {Choukri}, {Khalid} and {Declerck}, {Thierry} and {Grobelnik}, {Marko} and {Maegaard}, {Bente} and {Mariani}, {Joseph} and {Moreno}, {Asuncion} and {Odijk}, {Jan} and {Piperidis}, {Stelios}", TITLE = "Cross-lingual RDF thesauri interlinking", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ international conference on Language resources and evaluation (LREC), Portoroz (SI)", PAGES = "2442-2449", YEAR = "2016", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/lesnikova2016a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01382099}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{achichi2017a, AUTHOR = "{Achichi}, {Manel} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Dragisic}, {Zlatan} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Faria}, {Daniel} and {Ferrara}, {Alfio} and {Flouris}, {Giorgos} and {Fundulaki}, {Irini} and {Harrow}, {Ian} and {Ivanova}, {Valentina} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Kolthoff}, {Kristian} and {Kuss}, {Elena} and {Lambrix}, {Patrick} and {Leopold}, {Henrik} and {Li}, {Huanyu} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Mohammadi}, {Majid} and {Montanelli}, {Stefano} and {Pesquita}, {Catia} and {Saveta}, {Tzanina} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Splendiani}, {Andrea} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Thiéblin}, {Élodie} and {Todorov}, {Konstantin} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Zamazal}, {Ondřej}", TITLE = "Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2017", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 12$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Wien (AT)", YEAR = "2017", PAGES = "61-113", URL = "http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2017/results/oaei2017.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01670238}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{silva2017a, AUTHOR = "{da Silva}, {Jomar} and {Araujo Baião}, {Fernanda} and {Revoredo}, {Kate} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Semantic interactive ontology matching: synergistic combination of techniques to improve the set of candidate correspondences", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 12$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Wien (AT)", PAGES = "13-24", YEAR = "2017", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/silva2017a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01670205}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2017a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Interaction-based ontology alignment repair with expansion and relaxation", PUBLISHER = "AAAI Press", ADDRESS = "Menlo Park (CA US)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 26$^{th}$ International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Melbourne (VIC AU)", PAGES = "185-191", URL = "http://static.ijcai.org/proceedings-2017/0027.pdf", YEAR = "2017", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01661139}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2017b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Crafting ontology alignments from scratch through agent communication", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 20$^{th}$ International Conference on Principles and practice of multi-agent systems (PRIMA), Nice (FR)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "10621", EDITOR = "{An}, {Bo} and {Bazzan}, {Ana} and {Leite}, {João} and {Villata}, {Serena} and {van der Torre}, {Leendert}", PAGES = "245-262", YEAR = "2017", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/euzenat2017b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01661140}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{silva2018a, AUTHOR = "{da Silva}, {Jomar} and {Revoredo}, {Kate} and {Araujo Baião}, {Fernanda} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Interactive ontology matching: using expert feedback to select attribute mappings", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Cheatham}, {Michelle} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 13$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Monterey (CA US)", PAGES = "25-36", YEAR = "2018", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/silva2018a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01964686}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2018a, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "Evaluation of query transformations without data", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. WWW workshop on Reasoning on Data (RoD), Lyon (FR)", PAGES = "1599-1602", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/david2018a.pdf", YEAR = "2018", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01891182}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{david2018b, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Vizzini}, {Jérémy}", TITLE = "Linkky: Extraction de clés de liage par une adaptation de l'analyse relationnelle de concepts", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 29$^{e}$ journées francophones sur Ingénierie des connaissances (IC), Nancy (FR)", PAGES = "271-274", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/david2018b.pdf", YEAR = "2018", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-01839642}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{atencia2019a, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Vizzini}, {Jérémy}", TITLE = "A guided walk into link key candidate extraction with relational concept analysis", EDITOR = "{d'Amato}, {Claudia} and {Kagal}, {Lalana}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. on journal track of the International semantic web conference, Auckland (NZ)", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2576/paper01.pdf", YEAR = "2019", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02984963}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{atencia2019c, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Several link keys are better than one, or extracting disjunctions of link key candidates", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ ACM international conference on knowledge capture (K-Cap), Marina del Rey (CA US)", PAGES = "61-68", YEAR = "2019", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/atencia2019c.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-02395703}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2019a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Replicator-interactor in experimental cultural knowledge evolution", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ JOWO workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS), Graz (AT)", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2518/paper-WINKS2.pdf", YEAR = "2019", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02414736}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{atencia2019b, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ibanescu}, {Liliana} and {Pernelle}, {Nathalie} and {Saïs}, {Fatiha} and {Thiéblin}, {Élodie} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Discovering expressive rules for complex ontology matching and data interlinking", EDITOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hassanzadeh}, {Oktie} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 14$^{th}$ ISWC workshop on ontology matching (OM), Auckland (NZ)", PAGES = "199-200", YEAR = "2020", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/atencia2019b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-poster = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-02984943}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{vandenberg2020a, AUTHOR = "{van den Berg}, {Line} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Agent ontology alignment repair through dynamic epistemic logic", EDITOR = "{An}, {Bo} and {Yorke-Smith}, {Neil} and {El Fallah Seghrouchni}, {Amal} and {Sukthankar}, {Gita}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 19$^{th}$ ACM international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Auckland (NZ)", PAGES = "1422-1430", YEAR = "2020", URL = "http://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2020/pdfs/p1422.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-02984951}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{vandenberg2020b, AUTHOR = "{van den Berg}, {Line} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Unawareness in multi-agent systems with partial valuations", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10$^{th}$ AAMAS workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS), Auckland (NZ)", YEAR = "2020", URL = "http://lamas20.ipipan.waw.pl/assets/proceedings/paper-3.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02984952}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bourahla2021a, AUTHOR = "{Bourahla}, {Yasser} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Knowledge improvement and diversity under interaction-driven adaptation of learned ontologies", EDITOR = "{Endriss}, {Ulle} and {Nowé}, {Ann} and {Dignum}, {Frank} and {Lomuscio}, {Alessio}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 20$^{th}$ ACM international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), London (UK)", PAGES = "242-250", YEAR = "2021", URL = "http://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2021/pdfs/p242.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03426130}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2021a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Fixed-point semantics for barebone relational concept analysis", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 16$^{th}$ international conference on formal concept analysis (ICFCA), Strasbourg (FR)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "12733", EDITOR = "{Braud}, {Agnès} and {Buzmakov}, {Aleksey} and {Hanika}, {Tom} and {Le Ber}, {Florence}", PAGES = "20-37", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/euzenat2021a.pdf", YEAR = "2021", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03426547}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2021b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "The web as a culture broth for agents and people to grow knowledge", SERIES = "Dagstuhl reports", VOLUME = "11", NUMBER = "1", EDITOR = "{Boissier}, {Olivier} and {Ciortea}, {Andrei} and {Harth}, {Andreas} and {Ricci}, {Alessandro}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Dagstuhl seminar on Autonomous agents on the web, Wadern (DE)", PAGES = "40-41", YEAR = "2021", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/euzenat2021b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03426549}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bourahla2022a, AUTHOR = "{Bourahla}, {Yasser} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Knowledge transmission and improvement across generations do not need strong selection", EDITOR = "{Faliszewski}, {Piotr} and {Mascardi}, {Viviana} and {Pelachaud}, {Catherine} and {Taylor}, {Matthew}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 21$^{st}$ ACM international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), (Online)", YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "163-171", URL = "https://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2022/pdfs/p163.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03939919}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bourahla2022b, AUTHOR = "{Bourahla}, {Yasser} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Transmission de connaissances et sélection", EDITOR = "{Camps}, {Valérie}", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 30$^{e}$ journées francophones sur Systèmes multi-agent (JFSMA), Saint-Étienne (FR)", YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "63-72", PUBLISHER = "Cépaduès", ADDRESS = "Toulouse", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/bourahla2022b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03905182}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bourahla2022c, AUTHOR = "{Bourahla}, {Yasser} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Naciri}, {Meryem}", TITLE = "Measuring and controlling knowledge diversity", EDITOR = "{Prince Sales}, {Tiago} and {Hedblom}, {Maria} and {Tan}, {He} and {Gómez Álvarez}, {Lucía} and {Peñaloza}, {Rafael} and {Vesic}, {Srdjan}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 1$^{st}$ JOWO workshop on formal models of knowledge diversity (FMKD), Jönköping (SE)", YEAR = "2022", URL = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3249/paper1-FMKD.pdf", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/software/kdiv/index.html", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-03905183}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{bourahla2022d, AUTHOR = "{Bourahla}, {Yasser} and {Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Inter-generation knowledge transmission without individual selection", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ Conference of the Cultural evolution society, Aarhus (DK)", YEAR = "2022", URL = "https://underline.io/lecture/59629-inter-generation-knowledge-transmission-without-individual-selection", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2022a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Beyond reproduction, experiments want to be understood", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 2$^{nd}$ workshop on Scientific knowledge: representation, discovery, and assessment (SciK), Lyon (FR)", PAGES = "774-778", URL = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3487553.3524676", YEAR = "2022", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-03905184}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2022b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Can AI systems culturally evolve their knowledge?", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 4$^{th}$ Conference of the Cultural evolution society, Aarhus (DK)", YEAR = "2022", URL = "https://underline.io/lecture/59589-can-ai-systems-culturally-evolve-their-knowledge", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{euzenat2023b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Society = Autonomy + Adaptation", SERIES = "Dagstuhl reports", VOLUME = "13", NUMBER = "2", EDITOR = "{Boissier}, {Olivier} and {Ciortea}, {Andrei} and {Harth}, {Andreas} and {Ricci}, {Alessandro} and {Vachtsevanou}, {Danai}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Dagstuhl seminar on Agents on the web, Wadern (DE)", PAGES = "86", YEAR = "2023", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-04351093}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{kalaitzakis2023a, AUTHOR = "{Kalaitzakis}, {Andreas} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "À quoi sert la spécialisation en évolution culturelle de la connaissance?", EDITOR = "{Morge}, {Maxime}", BOOKTITLE = "Actes 31$^{e}$ journées francophones sur Systèmes multi-agent (JFSMA), Strasbourg (FR)", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "76-85", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/kalaitzakis2023a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-04351105}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{kalaitzakis2023b, AUTHOR = "{Kalaitzakis}, {Andreas} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Multi-tasking resource-constrained agents reach higher accuracy when tasks overlap", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 20$^{th}$ European conference on multi-agents systems (EUMAS), Napoli (IT)", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "14282", EDITOR = "{Malvone}, {Vadim} and {Murano}, {Aniello}", PAGES = "425-434", YEAR = "2023", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/kalaitzakis2023b.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-04351111}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @inproceedings{werner2024a, AUTHOR = "{Werner}, {Luisa} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Graux}, {Damien}", TITLE = "Reproduce, replicate, reevaluate: the long but safe way to extend machine learning methods", PUBLISHER = "AAAI Press", ADDRESS = "Menlo Park (CA US)", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 38$^{th}$ AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver (CA)", PAGES = "15850-15858", URL = "https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/29515/30854", YEAR = "2024", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-proceedings = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-04035305}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @phdthesis{euzenat1990a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Un système de maintenance de la vérité à propagation de contextes", TYPE = "Thèse d'informatique", SCHOOL = "Université Joseph Fourier", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1990", PAGETOTAL = "131", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/theses/these-euzenat.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {tel-00004714}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @phdthesis{euzenat1999a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Représentations de connaissance: de l'approximation à la confrontation", SCHOOL = "Université Joseph Fourier", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1999", TYPE = "Habilitation à diriger des recherches", NOTE = "référence INRIA TH-015", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/theses/hdr-euzenat.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00340958}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2002a, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Research challenges and perspectives of the Semantic web", TYPE = "EU-NSF Strategic report", PAGETOTAL = "82", INSTITUTION = "ERCIM", ADDRESS = "Sophia Antipolis (FR)", URL = "http://www.ercim.org/EU-NSF/semweb.html", YEAR = "2002", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922321}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2002ln, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Sémantique des représentations de connaissance", TYPE = "Lecture notes", INSTITUTION = "université Joseph Fourier", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1998", PAGETOTAL = "125", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/src.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2007h, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Semantic web semantics", TYPE = "Lecture notes", INSTITUTION = "université Joseph Fourier", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2007", PAGETOTAL = "190", URL = "http://exmo.inria.fr/teaching/swxo/poly/semwebsem.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2003e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A theory of computer semiotics par Peter Bøgh Andersen", JOURNAL = "Bulletin de l'AFIA", PUBLISHER = "AFIA", VOLUME = "55", PAGES = "55-58", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906621}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2003j, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo}", TITLE = "Spinning the semantic web: bringing the world wide web to its full potential par Dieter Fensel, James Hendler, Henry Lieberman and Wolfgang Wahlster", JOURNAL = "Bulletin de l'AFIA", PUBLISHER = "AFIA", VOLUME = "56-57", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003j.pdf", PAGES = "18-21", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906623}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2003k, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo}", TITLE = "The semantic web: year one (Spinning the semantic web: bringing the world wide web to its full potential by Dieter Fensel, James Hendler, Henry Lieberman and Wolfgang Wahlster)", JOURNAL = "IEEE Intelligent systems", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer society", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", VOLUME = "18", NUMBER = "6", YEAR = "2003", PAGETOTAL = "3", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003k.pdf", PAGES = "76-78", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906610}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2018a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "De la langue à la connaissance: approche expérimentale de l'évolution culturelle", JOURNAL = "Bulletin de l'AFIA", PUBLISHER = "AFIA", VOLUME = "100", PAGES = "9-12", YEAR = "2018", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/papers/euzenat2018a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {01953227}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1989b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Le système de maintenance de la vérité à propagation de contextes", VOLUME = "779", TYPE = "Rapport de recherche", INSTITUTION = "IMAG", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1989", PAGETOTAL = "42", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/euzenat1989b.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401196}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1993d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Multiple labelling generators in non monotonic RMS graphs", VOLUME = "2076", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1993", PAGETOTAL = "49", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/rr-inria-2076.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00074595}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1994b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Granularité dans les représentations spatio-temporelles", VOLUME = "2242", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1994", TYPE = "Rapport de recherche", PAGETOTAL = "62", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/rr-inria-2242.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00077218}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{crampe1996d, AUTHOR = "{Crampé}, {Isabelle} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Fondements de la révision dans un langage d'objets simple", TYPE = "Rapport de recherche", VOLUME = "3060", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1996", PAGETOTAL = "46", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/rr-inria-3060.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00073632}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1997a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A protocol for building consensual and consistent repositories", VOLUME = "3260", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1997", PAGETOTAL = "46", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/rr-inria-3260.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00073429}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{hori2003a, AUTHOR = "{Hori}, {Masahiro} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Patel-Schneider}, {Peter}", TITLE = "OWL Web Ontology Language XML Presentation Syntax", TYPE = "Note", INSTITUTION = "Worldwide web consortium", ADDRESS = "Cambridge (MA US)", YEAR = "2003", URL = "http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-xmlsyntax", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906624}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{alkhateeb2007b, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Baget}, {Jean-François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "RDF with regular expressions", VOLUME = "6191", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2007", PAGETOTAL = "32", URL = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00144922", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00144922}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{alkhateeb2007e, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Baget}, {Jean-François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Constrained regular expressions in SPARQL", VOLUME = "6360", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2007", PAGETOTAL = "32", URL = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00188287", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00188287}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{atencia2011b, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Rousset}, {Marie-Christine}", TITLE = "Exploiting ontologies and alignments for trust in semantic P2P networks", VOLUME = "18", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "LIG", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2011", PAGETOTAL = "10", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/rr-lig-018.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00921676}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{wudagechekol2011a, AUTHOR = "{Chekol}, {Melisachew Wudage} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "PSPARQL query containment", VOLUME = "7641", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2011", PAGETOTAL = "32", URL = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00598819", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00598819}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{scharffe2011a, AUTHOR = "{Scharffe}, {François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "MeLinDa: an interlinking framework for the web of data", VOLUME = "7641", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2011", PAGETOTAL = "21", URL = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00610160", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {inria-00610160}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{wudagechekol2012c, AUTHOR = "{Chekol}, {Melisachew Wudage} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Genevès}, {Pierre} and {Layaïda}, {Nabil}", TITLE = "A benchmark for semantic web query containment, equivalence and satisfiability", VOLUME = "8128", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2012", PAGETOTAL = "10", URL = "https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00749286", URL = "https://sparql-qc-bench.inrialpes.fr/index.html", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00749286}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{alkhateeb2013a, AUTHOR = "{Alkhateeb}, {Faisal} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Answering SPARQL queries modulo RDF Schema with paths", VOLUME = "8394", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2013", PAGETOTAL = "46", URL = "http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00904961", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00904961}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2014d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "The category of networks of ontologies", VOLUME = "8652", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2014", PAGETOTAL = "19", URL = "https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01093207", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01093207}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2023a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Stepwise functional refoundation of relational concept analysis", VOLUME = "9518", TYPE = "Research report", INSTITUTION = "INRIA", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "2023", PAGETOTAL = "68", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/reports/rr-inria-9518.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-04230481}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1988a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Management of nonmonotonicity in knowledge base systems", VOLUME = "Z2.2/36-2", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1988", PAGETOTAL = "21", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01402446}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1989c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Impact of nonmonotonicity on the management of objects on secondary storage", VOLUME = "Z2.2-3", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1989", PAGETOTAL = "37", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/euzenat1989c.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1997e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Tricand de La Goute}, {Loïc}", TITLE = "Serveurs de connaissance et mémoire d'entreprise", TYPE = "Rapport d'activité final", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1997", PAGETOTAL = "10", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1998d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Tricand de La Goute}, {Loïc}", TITLE = "Serveurs de connaissance et mémoire d'entreprise", TYPE = "Rapport d'activité final", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1998", PAGETOTAL = "13", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{cerbah1999a, AUTHOR = "{Cerbah}, {Farid} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Intégration de connaissances modélisées et de connaissances textuelles: spécification d'un système d'aide à la pose de liens de traçabilité", VOLUME = "DGT 7672", INSTITUTION = "Dassault aviation", ADDRESS = "Saint-Cloud (FR)", YEAR = "1999", PAGETOTAL = "15", LANGUAGE = "fr", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401152}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{cligniez1999a, AUTHOR = "{Cligniez}, {Vincent} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Manche}, {Yannick}", TITLE = "Raisonnement spatial pour l'intégration de modèles de simulation : Application aux avalanches", TYPE = "Rapport final", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes/CEMAGREF Grenoble", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1999", PAGETOTAL = "23", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/rap-sci-psig98.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401151}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1999e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Intégration de connaissances modélisées et de connaissances textuelles : intégration objets-termes-textes via XML", INSTITUTION = "Dassault aviation", ADDRESS = "Saint-Cloud (FR)", YEAR = "1999", PAGETOTAL = "16", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/genieII-331-xml.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2000e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Vers une plate-forme de diffusion de textes sur internet : étude préliminaire", TYPE = "Rapport de conseil", YEAR = "2000", PAGETOTAL = "63", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00825895}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2001h, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "1st international semantic web working symposium (SWWS-1)", VOLUME = "7.6", PAGETOTAL = "30", INSTITUTION = "Ontoweb", YEAR = "2001", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/ontoweb-del7.6.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922478}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{baget2003b, AUTHOR = "{Baget}, {Jean-François} and {Canaud}, {Étienne} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Saïd-Hacid}, {Mohand}", TITLE = "Les langages du web sémantique", BOOKTITLE = "", EDITOR = "{Charlet}, {Jean} and {Laublet}, {Philippe} and {Reynaud}, {Chantal}", CHAPTER = "2", PAGES = "9-24", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/baget2003b.pdf", INSTITUTION = "Action spécifique CNRS/STIC « Web sémantique »", TYPE = "Rapport final", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906616}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2003m, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "1st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2002)", VOLUME = "7.9", PAGETOTAL = "19", INSTITUTION = "Ontoweb", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/ontoweb-del7.9.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-822580}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2003n, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2003)", VOLUME = "7.11", PAGETOTAL = "21", INSTITUTION = "Ontoweb", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/ontoweb-del7.11.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822581}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{bouquet2004a, AUTHOR = "{Bouquet}, {Paolo} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Franconi}, {Enrico} and {Serafini}, {Luciano} and {Stamou}, {Giorgos} and {Tessaris}, {Sergio}", TITLE = "Specification of a common framework for characterizing alignment", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", VOLUME = "2.2.1", PAGETOTAL = "21", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-221.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00906636}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2004g, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Le Bach}, {Thanh} and {Barrasa}, {Jesús} and {Bouquet}, {Paolo} and {De Bo}, {Jan} and {Dieng-Kuntz}, {Rose} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Hauswirth}, {Manfred} and {Jarrar}, {Mustafa} and {Lara}, {Rubén} and {Maynard}, {Diana} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Stamou}, {Giorgos} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Tessaris}, {Sergio} and {Van Acker}, {Sven} and {Zaihrayeu}, {Ilya}", TITLE = "State of the art on ontology alignment", VOLUME = "2.2.3", PAGETOTAL = "80", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-223.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00825932}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2004l, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {García Castro}, {Raúl}", TITLE = "Specification of a benchmarking methodology for alignment techniques", VOLUME = "2.2.2", PAGETOTAL = "48", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-222.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00918137}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{siberski2004a, AUTHOR = "{Siberski}, {Wolf} and {Cahuzac}, {Maud} and {Suárez Figueroa}, {Maria Del Carmen} and {Gonzales Cabrero}, {Rafael} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Garg}, {Shishir} and {Hartmann}, {Jens} and {Léger}, {Alain} and {Maynard}, {Diana} and {Pan}, {Jeff} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Toumani}, {Farouk}", TITLE = "Software framework requirements analysis", VOLUME = "1.2.2", PAGETOTAL = "59", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-122.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00825935}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{zhdanova2004a, AUTHOR = "{Zhdanova}, {Anna} and {Bonifacio}, {Matteo} and {Dasiopoulou}, {Stamatia} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Dieng-Kuntz}, {Rose} and {Laera}, {Loredana} and {Manzano-Macho}, {David} and {Maynard}, {Diana} and {Ponte}, {Diego} and {Tamma}, {Valentina}", TITLE = "Specification of knowledge acquisition and modeling of the process of the consensus", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", VOLUME = "2.3.2", PAGETOTAL = "92", YEAR = "2004", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-232.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00918138}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2005g, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Laera}, {Loredana} and {Tamma}, {Valentina} and {Viollet}, {Alexandre}", TITLE = "Negociation/argumentation techniques among agents complying to different ontologies", VOLUME = "2.3.7", PAGETOTAL = "43", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-237.pdf", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2005", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922276}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2005h, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Serafini}, {Luciano}", TITLE = "Specification of the delivery alignment format", VOLUME = "2.2.6", PAGETOTAL = "46", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-226.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922277}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{hitzler2005a, AUTHOR = "{Hitzler}, {Pascal} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Krötzsch}, {Markus} and {Serafini}, {Luciano} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Wache}, {Holger} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine}", TITLE = "Integrated view and comparison of alignment semantics", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", VOLUME = "2.2.5", PAGETOTAL = "32", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-225.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922275}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{stuckenschmidt2005a, AUTHOR = "{Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hess}, {Andreas} and {van Hage}, {Willem Robert} and {Hu}, {Wei} and {Jian}, {Ningsheng} and {Chen}, {Gong} and {Qu}, {Yuzhong} and {Stoilos}, {George} and {Stamou}, {Giorgos} and {Straccia}, {Umberto} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech} and {Troncy}, {Raphaël} and {Valtchev}, {Petko} and {Yatskevich}, {Mikalai}", TITLE = "Description of alignment implementation and benchmarking results", VOLUME = "2.2.4", PAGETOTAL = "87", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2005", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-224.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922278}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2006f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Ehrig}, {Marc} and {Jentzsch}, {Anja} and {Mochol}, {Malgorzata} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel}", TITLE = "Case-based recommendation of matching tools and techniques", VOLUME = "", PAGETOTAL = "78", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2006", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-126.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00825941}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2007d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine} and {Sabou}, {Marta} and {d'Aquin}, {Mathieu}", TITLE = "Matching ontologies for context", VOLUME = "3.3.1", PAGETOTAL = "42", INSTITUTION = "NeOn", YEAR = "2007", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/neon-331.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00817807}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2007e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Zimmermann}, {Antoine}", TITLE = "Expressive alignment language and implementation", VOLUME = "2.2.10", PAGETOTAL = "60", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2007", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-2210.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822892}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{scharffe2007b, AUTHOR = "{Scharffe}, {François} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Le Duc}, {Chan} and {Shvaiko}, {Pavel}", TITLE = "Analysis of knowledge transformation and merging techniques and implementations", VOLUME = "2.2.7", PAGETOTAL = "50", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2007", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-227.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00817814}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{shvaiko2007a, AUTHOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner} and {Mochol}, {Malgorzata} and {Giunchiglia}, {Fausto} and {Yatskevich}, {Mikalai} and {Avesani}, {Paolo} and {van Hage}, {Willem Robert} and {Sváb}, {Ondřej} and {Svátek}, {Vojtech}", TITLE = "Description of alignment evaluation and benchmarking results", VOLUME = "2.2.9", PAGETOTAL = "69", INSTITUTION = "Knowledge web", YEAR = "2007", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/kweb-229.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00822894}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2008f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Le Duc}, {Chan} and {Grobelnik}, {Marko} and {Pajntar}, {Bostjan} and {Mladenic}, {Dunja}", TITLE = "Integration of OntoLight with the Alignment server", VOLUME = "3.3.3", PAGETOTAL = "25", INSTITUTION = "NeOn", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/neon-333.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00825953}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{leduc2008a, AUTHOR = "{Le Duc}, {Chan} and {d'Aquin}, {Mathieu} and {Barrasa}, {Jesús} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Palma}, {Raul} and {Plaza}, {Rosario} and {Sabou}, {Marta} and {Villazón-Terrazas}, {Boris}", TITLE = "Matching ontologies for context: The NeOn Alignment plug-in", VOLUME = "3.3.2", PAGETOTAL = "59", INSTITUTION = "NeOn", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/neon-332.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793546}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2009b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Allocca}, {Carlo} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {d'Aquin}, {Mathieu} and {Le Duc}, {Chan} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej}", TITLE = "Ontology distances for contextualisation", VOLUME = "3.3.4", PAGETOTAL = "50", INSTITUTION = "NeOn", YEAR = "2009", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/neon-334.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793450}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{trojahn2009a, AUTHOR = "{Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Stuckenschmidt}, {Heiner}", TITLE = "Evaluation design and collection of test data for matching tools", INSTITUTION = "SEALS", VOLUME = "12.1", PAGETOTAL = "68", YEAR = "2009", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/seals-121.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793455}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{hoffmann2010a, AUTHOR = "{Hoffmann}, {Patrick} and {d'Aquin}, {Mathieu} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Le Duc}, {Chan} and {Sabou}, {Marta} and {Scharffe}, {François}", TITLE = "Context-based matching revisited", VOLUME = "3.3.5", PAGETOTAL = "39", INSTITUTION = "NeOn", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/neon-335.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793279}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{meilicke2010a, AUTHOR = "{Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Services for the automatic evaluation of matching tools", VOLUME = "12.2", PAGETOTAL = "35", INSTITUTION = "SEALS", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/seals-122.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793281}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{trojahn2010d, AUTHOR = "{Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej}", TITLE = "Results of the first evaluation of matching tools", INSTITUTION = "SEALS", VOLUME = "12.3", PAGETOTAL = "36", YEAR = "2010", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/seals-123.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793288}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2011e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Abadie}, {Nathalie} and {Bucher}, {Bénédicte} and {Fan}, {Zhengjie} and {Khrouf}, {Houda} and {Luger}, {Michael} and {Scharffe}, {François} and {Troncy}, {Raphaël}", TITLE = "Dataset interlinking module", INSTITUTION = "Datalift", VOLUME = "4.2", PAGETOTAL = "32", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/datalift-421.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793433}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{trojahn2011b, AUTHOR = "{Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Iterative implementation of services for the automatic evaluation of matching tools", INSTITUTION = "SEALS", VOLUME = "12.5", PAGETOTAL = "21", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/seals-125.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00793436}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{aguirre2012b, AUTHOR = "{Aguirre}, {José Luis} and {Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Iterative implementation of services for the automatic evaluation of matching tools (v2)", INSTITUTION = "SEALS", VOLUME = "12.5v2", PAGETOTAL = "34", YEAR = "2012", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/seals-125v2.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00785742}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{david2012d, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Roşoiu}, {Maria}", TITLE = "Mobile API for linked data", INSTITUTION = "Datalift", VOLUME = "6.3", PAGETOTAL = "19", YEAR = "2012", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/datalift-63.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00785743}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{meilicke2012b, AUTHOR = "{Meilicke}, {Christian} and {Aguirre}, {José Luis} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Sváb-Zamazal}, {Ondřej} and {Jiménez-Ruiz}, {Ernesto} and {Horrocks}, {Ian} and {Trojahn dos Santos}, {Cássia}", TITLE = "Results of the second evaluation of matching tools", INSTITUTION = "SEALS", VOLUME = "12.6", PAGETOTAL = "30", YEAR = "2012", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/seals-126.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00785744}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{fan2013a, AUTHOR = "{Fan}, {Zhengjie} and {Ngoc Nguyen}, {Thin Dong} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Hamdi}, {Fayçal} and {Scharffe}, {François}", TITLE = "Dataset interlinking module", INSTITUTION = "Datalift", VOLUME = "4.2", PAGETOTAL = "34", YEAR = "2013", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/datalift-422.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{priego2013a, AUTHOR = "{Priego}, {Luz Maria} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {Radulovic}, {Filip} and {Weise}, {Mathias}", TITLE = "Strategy for Energy Management System Interoperability", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "2.1", PAGETOTAL = "25", YEAR = "2013", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-21.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00925628}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{birov2014a, AUTHOR = "{Birov}, {Strahil} and {Robinson}, {Simon} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {Suárez-Figueroa}, {Mari Carmen} and {García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Priego}, {Luz Maria} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {Peters-Anders}, {Jan} and {Tryferidis}, {Thanasis} and {Zoi Tsagkari}, {Kleopatra}", TITLE = "Ontologies and datasets for energy measurement and validation interoperability", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "3.2", PAGETOTAL = "72", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-32.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180923}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{cavallaro2014a, AUTHOR = "{Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {Di Gennaro}, {Federico} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Peters-Anders}, {Jan} and {Osello}, {Anna}", TITLE = "Vision of energy systems for smart cities", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "5.2", PAGETOTAL = "35", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-52.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180924}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{garciacastro2014a, AUTHOR = "{García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {Radulovic}, {Filip} and {Gómez Pérez}, {Asunción} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Priego}, {Luz Maria} and {Vogt}, {Georg} and {Robinson}, {Simon} and {Birov}, {Strahil} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Peters-Anders}, {Jan}", TITLE = "Strategy for energy measurement and interoperability", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "3.1", PAGETOTAL = "28", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-31.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180926}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{sepponen2014a, AUTHOR = "{Sepponen}, {Mari} and {Hannus}, {Matti} and {Piira}, {Kalevi} and {Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Tryferidis}, {Thanasis} and {Zoi Tsagkari}, {Kleopatra} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Judex}, {Florian} and {Basciotti}, {Daniele} and {Marguerite}, {Charlotte} and {Schmidt}, {Ralf-Roman} and {Birov}, {Strahil} and {Robinson}, {Simon} and {Vogt}, {Georg}", TITLE = "Draft of innovation and research roadmap", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "5.3", PAGETOTAL = "47", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-53.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180929}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{weise2014a, AUTHOR = "{Weise}, {Mathias} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {Suárez-Figueroa}, {Mari Carmen} and {García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Priego}, {Luz Maria} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {Peters-Anders}, {Jan} and {Zoi Tsagkari}, {Kleopatra}", TITLE = "Ontologies and datasets for energy management system interoperability", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "2.2", PAGETOTAL = "72", YEAR = "2014", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-22.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180932}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{birov2015a, AUTHOR = "{Birov}, {Strahil} and {Robinson}, {Simon} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {Suárez-Figueroa}, {Mari Carmen} and {García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {Peters-Anders}, {Jan} and {Tryferidis}, {Thanasis} and {Zoi Tsagkari}, {Kleopatra}", TITLE = "Ontologies and datasets for energy measurement and validation interoperability", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "3.3", PAGETOTAL = "135", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-33.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01247616}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{david2015a, AUTHOR = "{David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Atencia}, {Manuel}", TITLE = "Language-independent link key-based data interlinking", INSTITUTION = "Lindicle", VOLUME = "4.1", PAGETOTAL = "21", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/lindicle-41.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180925}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat2015c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Locoro}, {Angela} and {Inants}, {Armen}", TITLE = "Context-based ontology matching and data interlinking", INSTITUTION = "Lindicle", VOLUME = "3.1", PAGETOTAL = "21", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/lindicle-31.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180927}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{hukkalainen2015a, AUTHOR = "{Hukkalainen}, {Mari} and {Hannus}, {Matti} and {Piira}, {Kalevi} and {Grahn}, {Elina} and {Hoang}, {Ha} and {Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Tryferidis}, {Thanasis} and {Zoi Tsagkari}, {Kleopatra} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Judex}, {Florian} and {Basciotti}, {Daniele} and {Marguerite}, {Charlotte} and {Schmidt}, {Ralf-Roman} and {Birov}, {Strahil} and {Robinson}, {Simon} and {Vogt}, {Georg}", TITLE = "Innovation and research roadmap", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "5.6", PAGETOTAL = "63", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-56.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01248107}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{lesnikova2015a, AUTHOR = "{Lesnikova}, {Tatiana} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Algorithms for cross-lingual data interlinking", INSTITUTION = "Lindicle", VOLUME = "4.2", PAGETOTAL = "31", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/lindicle-42.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01180928}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{petersanders2015a, AUTHOR = "{Peters-Anders}, {Jan} and {Hukkalainen}, {Mari} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Birov}, {Strahil} and {Weise}, {Mathias} and {Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Tryferidis}, {Thanasis}", TITLE = "Community description", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "1.4", PAGETOTAL = "60", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-14.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01248108}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{weise2015a, AUTHOR = "{Weise}, {Mathias} and {Poveda Villalón}, {María} and {García Castro}, {Raúl} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Priego}, {Luz Maria} and {Fies}, {Bruno} and {Cavallaro}, {Andrea} and {Peters-Anders}, {Jan} and {Zoi Tsagkari}, {Kleopatra}", TITLE = "Ontologies and datasets for energy management system interoperability", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "2.3", PAGETOTAL = "149", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-23.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01247606}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{sanchez2016a, AUTHOR = "{Sanchez}, {Adam} and {Lesnikova}, {Tatiana} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Instance-level matching", INSTITUTION = "Lindicle", VOLUME = "3.2", PAGETOTAL = "20", YEAR = "2016", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/lindicle-32.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01382105}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{atencia2019d, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Jradeh}, {Khadija} and {Le Duc}, {Chan}", TITLE = "Tableau methods for reasoning with link keys", INSTITUTION = "ELKER", VOLUME = "2.1", PAGETOTAL = "32", YEAR = "2019", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/reports/elker-2.1.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02090087}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{atencia2019e, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Vizzini}, {Jérémy}", TITLE = "Candidate link key extraction with formal concept analysis", INSTITUTION = "ELKER", VOLUME = "1.1", PAGETOTAL = "29", YEAR = "2019", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/reports/elker-1.1.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-02984964}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{atencia2021b, AUTHOR = "{Atencia}, {Manuel} and {David}, {Jérôme} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Napoli}, {Amedeo} and {Vizzini}, {Jérémy}", TITLE = "Relational concept analysis for circular link key extraction", INSTITUTION = "ELKER", VOLUME = "1.2", PAGETOTAL = "57", YEAR = "2021", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/reports/elker-1.2.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-03501398}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @mastersthesis{euzenat1987a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Un système de maintenance de la vérité pour une représentation de connaissance centrée-objet", TYPE = "Mémoire de DEA (master)", SCHOOL = "INPG", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1987", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/dea-euzenat.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "yes", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01409634}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat1997d, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Bessière}, {Christian}", TITLE = "Dossier 'Raisonnement temporel et spatial'", JOURNAL = "Bulletin de l'AFIA", PUBLISHER = "AFIA", VOLUME = "29", PAGES = "26-51", YEAR = "1997", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/afia-29-rts.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat1998c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Édition coopérative de bases de connaissance sur le worldwide web", JOURNAL = "Bulletin de l'AFIA", PUBLISHER = "AFIA", VOLUME = "34", PAGES = "6-9", YEAR = "1998", URL = "http://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/papers/euzenat98c.html", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-01401166}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat1999d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Contribution au débat 'évaluation scientifique: peut-on mieux faire en IA?'", JOURNAL = "Bulletin de l'AFIA", PUBLISHER = "AFIA", VOLUME = "37", PAGES = "21-22", YEAR = "1999", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2002h, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Research challenges and perspectives of the semantic web", NOTE = "IEEE Intelligent systems 17(5):86-88", JOURNAL = "IEEE Intelligent systems", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer society", ADDRESS = "New-York (NY US)", VOLUME = "17", NUMBER = "5", PAGES = "86-88", YEAR = "2002", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/euzenat2002h.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922322}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2003d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Les avancées du web sémantique (Qu'est-ce que le web sémantique?)", NOTE = "Archimag n$^{o}$165", JOURNAL = "Archimag", PUBLISHER = "Serda", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", VOLUME = "165", PAGES = "22-26", YEAR = "2003", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2003d.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00906620}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{shvaiko2005c, AUTHOR = "{Shvaiko}, {Pavel} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Ontology Matching", NOTE = "D-Lib magazine 11(12)", JOURNAL = "DLib magazine", PUBLISHER = "CNRI", ADDRESS = "Preston (VA US)", VOLUME = "12", NUMBER = "11", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december05/12inbrief.html#PAVEL", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00922291}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @article{euzenat2011a, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "L'intelligence du web: l'information utile à portée de lien", JOURNAL = "Bulletin de l'AFIA", PUBLISHER = "AFIA", VOLUME = "72", PAGES = "13-16", YEAR = "2011", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2011a.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "yes", x-id-hal = {hal-00781020}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @manual{euzenat1992b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Le module de l'incertain de Smeci", TYPE = "Manuel de référence", VOLUME = "1505-MF-001", ORGANIZATION = "Ilog", ADDRESS = "Gentilly (FR)", YEAR = "1992", PAGETOTAL = "94", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @manual{sherpa1995a, AUTHOR = "{Sherpa}, {Projet}", TITLE = "Tropes 1.0", TYPE = "Reference manual", ORGANIZATION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", PAGETOTAL = "85", YEAR = "1995", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/tropes-manual.ps.gz", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @manual{sherpa1998b, AUTHOR = "{Sherpa}, {Projet}", TITLE = "Co4 1.0", TYPE = "Reference manual", ORGANIZATION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1998", PAGETOTAL = "35", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/co4-manual.ps.gz", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @misc{euzenat1988f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Maintien des croyances et bases de connaissance, application aux bases de connaissance centrées-objet", NOTE = "Séminaire 'bases de données et de connaissances'", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1988", PAGETOTAL = "9", URL = "https://www.inrialpes.fr/sherpa/files/rapports/euzenat1988f.scan.pdf", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @misc{euzenat2002g, EDITOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Semantic web special issue", NOTE = "ERCIM News n$^{o}$51", JOURNAL = "ERCIM News", PUBLISHER = "ERCIM", ADDRESS = "Sophia-Antipolis (FR)", VOLUME = "51", PAGETOTAL = "36", YEAR = "2002", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/ErcimNews51.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {REJECTED}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @misc{euzenat2002i, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Personal information management and the semantic web", YEAR = "2002", URL = "http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/200210/calendar/SyncLink.html", NOTE = "Text for the SWAD-Europe workshop on semantic web calendaring", PAGETOTAL = "3", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-00922475}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @misc{euzenat2005b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Pas d'objets à sens unique!", YEAR = "2005", URL = "http://exmo.inria.fr/papers/TractLMO2005/euzenat2005b.html", NOTE = "Tract distributed at the 11th LMO conference, Bern (CH)", PAGETOTAL = "1", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {REJECTED}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @misc{vandenberg2022b, AUTHOR = "{van den Berg}, {Line} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "The small Class? gamebook", TYPE = "Pedagogical material", YEAR = "2022", URL = "https://moex.inria.fr/files/classgame/curriculum.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-id-hal = {hal-03905186}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1988b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Un nouvel algorithme de maintenance de la vérité", INSTITUTION = "Cognitech", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", TYPE = "Rapport interne", YEAR = "1988", PAGETOTAL = "18", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1988c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Iroise + TMS, utilisation", INSTITUTION = "Cognitech", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", TYPE = "Rapport interne", YEAR = "1988", PAGETOTAL = "10", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1988d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Iroise + TMS, implémentation", INSTITUTION = "Cognitech", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", TYPE = "Rapport interne", YEAR = "1988", PAGETOTAL = "15", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1988e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Un module TMS, version C0", INSTITUTION = "Cognitech", ADDRESS = "Paris (FR)", YEAR = "1988", TYPE = "Rapport interne", PAGETOTAL = "25", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1989d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Rétrogresser c'est progresser", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1989", TYPE = "Rapport interne", PAGETOTAL = "20", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1989e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Connexion Kool/RMS, spécifications", VOLUME = "Sachem JE004", INSTITUTION = "CEDIAG/Bull", ADDRESS = "Louveciennes (FR)", YEAR = "1989", TYPE = "Rapport interne", PAGETOTAL = "22", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1989f, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Un algorithme de maintenance de la vérité tirant parti des composantes fortement connexes", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", TYPE = "Rapport interne", YEAR = "1989", PAGETOTAL = "16", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1990b, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Cache consistency in large object knowledge bases", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1990", PAGETOTAL = "35", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Internal report", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{buisson1991b, AUTHOR = "{Buisson}, {Laurent} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "A quantitative analysis of reasoning for RMSes", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1991", PAGETOTAL = "18", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Internal report", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1991e, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Strecker}, {Martin}", TITLE = "Forgetting abilities for space-bounded agents", INSTITUTION = "Laboratoire ARTEMIS", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1991", PAGETOTAL = "11", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Internal report", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1992c, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Puget}, {Jean-François}", TITLE = "Utiliser les dépendances lors du retour-arrière dans Pecos", INSTITUTION = "Ilog", ADDRESS = "Gentilly (FR)", YEAR = "1992", TYPE = "Rapport interne", PAGETOTAL = "27", LANGUAGE = "fr", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1992d, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Modular constraint satisfaction", INSTITUTION = "IRIMAG", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1992", PAGETOTAL = "11", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Internal report", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1994d, AUTHOR = "{Capponi}, {Cécile} and {Euzenat}, {Jérôme} and {Gensel}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Objects, types and constraints as classification schemes", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1994", PAGETOTAL = "20", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Internal report", x-international-audience = "yes", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"} @techreport{euzenat1995g, AUTHOR = "{Euzenat}, {Jérôme}", TITLE = "Sur la sémantique des actes de langage artificiels (remarques préliminaires)", INSTITUTION = "INRIA Rhône-Alpes", ADDRESS = "Grenoble (FR)", YEAR = "1995", PAGETOTAL = "13", LANGUAGE = "fr", TYPE = "Internal report", x-international-audience = "no", x-editorial-board = "no", x-invited-conference = "no", x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"}