Knowledge communication and evolution workshop
Wednesday February 19th, 2020
Salle de séminaire (IMAG Building)
We organise an open working seminar related to the MIAI Knowledge communication and evolution chair.
Anyone interested can attend, although we will not have extensive room.
The goal of the workshop is to present to each others works related to the chair topics which can feed the mills for further research.
Presenters are either directly involved on the chair works or reknown international researchers with whom we plan to work more closely within the chair framework.
The schedule is based on 45mn slots in which the goal is to present some established work and leave room to as much discussion as possible.
- 9:00-9:30
- Introduction (Jérôme Euzenat, INRIA & LIG)
- 9:30-10:15
- Experiments in cultural knowledge evolution (Jérôme Euzenat, INRIA & LIG)
- 10:15-10:45
- Break
- 10:45-11:30
- Knowledge-based interactions in decentralised environments (Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool)
- 11:30-12:15
- Agreement on Meaning: The Role of Interaction and Embodiment in Computational Ontology (Marco Schorlemmer, IIIA, Barcelona)
- 12:15
- Lunch break
- 14:00-14:45
- Modelling cultural alignment repair with dynamic epistemic logic (Line van den Berg, UGA & LIG)
- 14:45-15:30
- Truthful Mechanisms for Multi Agent Self-Interested Correspondence Selection (Terry Payne, University of Liverpool)
- 15:30-16:00
- Break
- 16:00-16:45
- Machine Learning constraints (Pierre Genevès, CNRS & LIG/Nabil Layaïda, INRIA & LIG)
- 16:45-17:30
- Integrating Learning and Reasoning in Logic Tensor Networks (Luciano Serafini, Foundazione Bruno Kessler, Trento)
- 17:30-18:00
- Conclusions
The purpose of the workshop is twofold:
- Presenting a sample of interesting work developed by others and related to this chair; as such it may be interesting to many local researchers working in connected areas.
- Discussing the relations between these works, their relation with the chair and fostering collaboration; visitors are here for some more time to try to set up efforts.
The workshop is organised in 45mn slots allowing for some comprehensive presentation of the works and more engaged discussion.
The workshop will be held on the first floor of the IMAG building in the seminar room (open access).